Linda Evangelista on the red carpet with her son Austin | video

Together for a charity event. Supermodel Linda Evangelista59 years old, brought a special “plus one” to the second annual dinner Taking care of women Kering Foundation. Son Augustine James, known as Austinwho is 16 years old, and the older she gets, the more she looks like a portrait of her beautiful mother.

Linda Evangelista and Austin

At a gala in New York hosted by Austin’s father, Francois-Henri PinaultPresident and CEO of the company luxury group KeringMother and son arrived together, hand in hand. And together they walked along the red carpet in harmonious outfits. In fact, both wore black suits paired with white shirts, all from Valentino. Like mother, like son.

Celebrities at a charity event

The event was attended by many celebrities. Of course Austin’s stepmother was there, Salma Hayek, Pinault’s wife, as well as Kim Kardashian, dressed in pink for the occasion, Zoë Kravitz, Nicole Kidman, Olivia Wilde and Channing Tatum. They are all committed to raising funds for organizations fighting Violence against women.

Linda and Austin are inseparable

But the eyes and lenses of photographers are focused on the very young Austin, who increasingly resembles his mother Linda Evangelista. After his debut in society, blessed by his famous parents, they did not leave each other for a second.

Afteraesthetic intervention CoolSculpting, which disfigured her and lfight against breast cancer, the iconic nineties supermodel keeps her most prized possession. “I have one foot in the grave but I continue to celebrate life”– he said at the book presentation Linda Evangelista. Photo by Steven Meisel.

Maternal pride…


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