In the city of Chihuahua, the capital of the northwestern state of Mexico of the same name, it will no longer be possible to sing misogynistic lyrics or lyrics that incite violence against women. Not in clubs, not in places where live music is played. The Guardian reports. Violators face a fine of up to 1.2 million pesos, which is about 65,000 euros, which will be directed to municipal programs in favor of women fleeing dangerous situations. According to the Guardian, the law could affect Puerto Rican reggaeton. bad rabbit (who often falls into clichés about sex, drugs and money) and leader of the “drug ballad” Peso Pluma.
This is not the first time Mexico has intervened with such measures. For example, in May last year, the city of Cancun approved a series of measures to ban concerts with lyrics promoting violence by narcocoridos, a genre common not only in Mexico, but also in the United States and Colombia, telling stories related to drug trafficking. OUR Los Tigres del Norteone of the most famous bands in the genre, have won six Grammy Awards and released dozens of million-selling albums. In some cities, the broadcasting of narcocorridos songs was even banned, in other cases, the radio stations themselves chose not to broadcast them and thus took a clear stance against this phenomenon.
Chihuahua Mayor Marco Bonilla specified that they would be considered violent lyrics that objectify and sexualize women, without reference to a specific musical genre.