Look, Valen, daddy’s friend, there’s a video of a man from Mar del Plata trying to joke around with a sea lion and getting bitten

A sea lion attacked a man from Mar del Plata who came to bother him and his daughter for a Tik Tok videocompletely threatened by bird flu, which resulted in the death of hundreds of specimens.

The incident, which took place in Mar del Plata last weekend, went viral with a video uploaded by the victim to social networks in the past few hours. There you can see how the animal becomes alert when approaching it. “Look, Varun, Papa’s friend”said the person before being bitten.

Amid laughter, groans and cries of “take it”, the footage cuts off abruptly, with the severity of the injuries unknown, or whether the injured received medical advice.

Notably, the Hot Springs city’s sea lion population has declined by nearly 10 percent since the first infections occurred.

https://graph.facebook.com/v8.0/instagram_oembed?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fp%2FCw26PXwtUk8%2F&access_token=EAAGZAH4sEtVABO1XFAyDLs9wlfT5CHB6uPzJWEkMv14Tp9oNEkID7U612hvlI1aU b44gpKxf1jP2OmNmBVPiBbypWsX2dZBguFaFMO3AjfoRvHqIlxEUxdqGvIcprPTsXSS0axLlUqvPZCiMq3tGVCcVdVprw7jvBmqCQOodoxVaEZAK3oXuW4dAnuiAZDZD

Alternatively, companies can notify or report anomalies related to the issue to the nearest National Produce Health and Quality Service (Senasa) office by calling (011) 5700 5704; via the ‘Senasa Notifications’ app available on the Play Store; write Letters to email notificaciones@senasa.gob.ar, or through the Notifications Senasa section on the institution’s website.

The A virus H5N1 variant present in sea lions is a subtype of A virus Avian Influenza The virus is highly pathogenic and was first recorded in wild South American birds in Peru in late 2022. In Argentina, the first bird case occurred in February 2023 in the natural area of ​​Lagunas de Pozuelos in the province of Jujuy.

Since the virus is present in the secretions and excreta of sick or dead animals, the main requirement is not to approach specimens with suspicious symptoms, if fatal, neurological, digestive and/or respiratory symptoms are found in marine mammals or both, Please notify the agency. Wild and domestic birds (mainly ducks, hens, chicks, roosters, geese, turkeys).

Senasa’s suggestion

• Prevent people and vehicles from entering and circulating on the beach or affected spaces (in this case, the South Breakwater and coastal settlements).

• Where there is a copy sea ​​wolf Do not approach and avoid direct contact or the approach of pets.

• Avoid direct contact with wild birds and observe them only from a distance.

• Do not touch surfaces that may be contaminated with wild bird secretions or droppings.



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