Lowers Blood Pressure and Fights Cellulite

Our grandmothers have said that home remedies and therapy are the “hands of a saint” and are, in many cases, our first choice if we don’t want to take drugs or our bodies to adjust to them.

he Hibiscus Or also known as the flower of Jamaica, is a plant native to tropical and subtropical regions. A plant that has arrived in Spain, offering all its healing properties and benefits.

With vitamins, laxatives, digestive aids, and even blood pressure lowering properties, hibiscus flowers can help you in your everyday life and shouldn’t be missing in your pantry starting now.

(for a flat stomach you need to add the infusion to your dinner)

there are countless Variety The uses of this plant vary in each country. From seeing it as part of the diet, to using the seeds to make oil, and even seeing it as part of the pharmaceutical industry.

Benefits of Hibiscus

Since the contribution of this flower is known in many fields, different countries have added it and considered it as one of the most effective home remedies. The most reputable factory.

But what does hibiscus flower do for you and why is it so famous?


drink hibiscus tea or take hibiscus extract hibiscus Taking it orally can help lower blood pressure in normal or hypertensive patients and improve our blood circulation.

Numerous studies have been done on people suffering from high blood pressure, and the results of lowering these values ​​were seen within a few months after daily intake of this plant infusion.


Hibiscus is a digestive and laxative plant that can help relieve heartburn and is great as a decongestant if you suffer from constipation.

On the other hand, if you suffer from gastroenteritis, this flower can help you heal, ease and improve digestion when indigestion occurs.

urinary tract infection

In countries such as India, the flower is used relieve urinary tract infectionbecause it is kidney flower, which has disinfection, diuretic and antiseptic effects.

We all know how it feels when you have a UTI and the bad times you’re having, and an infusion of this flower can help ease your grief so you can ease the discomfort.

Lose weight and reduce cellulite

If the benefits of this plant are still scarce for you, hibiscus can also help you lose weight because of its satiation effect. It can also help you flush out toxins and reduce abdominal bloating.

It is also very effective for reducing and fighting by avoiding fluid retention cellulitis. It prevents fat storage in areas like the abdomen and even the buttocks.

relaxation effect

Hibiscus has very potent natural relaxing effects and may even help you mild anxiety attacks, Relax every part of your body.

If you have sleep problems like insomnia, an evening infusion may be a great way to help you get a better rest.


Like the many infusions our grandmothers prepared for us when we were sick, this plant can help you too. Protects mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and relieves throat irritation.

There are many substances that give hibiscus high medicinal properties, that is, it protects us from germs, because Strengthen our defenses against them.

hair loss

Hibiscus contains a lot of nutrients that can prevent hair loss. The flower strengthens your roots and even prevents dry scalp and, in many cases, dandruff.

Alzheimer’s disease

In addition to all its excellent properties, hibiscus can also be an ally in the fight against Alzheimer’s.According to a study conducted by researchers Puhan University of Science and Technology in Korea, and published in Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment, A substance found in the plant may help fight the disease.

This substance helps reduce the accumulation of beta-amyloid protein in the brain, which is the main cause of Alzheimer’s disease.

How to eat hibiscus flower?

If you want to make your own recipes and don’t want to buy flower infusions or bulk products, here are some ways to enjoy hibiscus flowers.

for a simple infusion Take several dried flowers of the same plant per 250 ml of water. We boil the water and immerse the flowers in water for at least 3 minutes.

You can also make refreshing drinks such as Karkada drink that is very popular in the Middle East and very easy to prepare.

We need 1 liter of water, about 2 tablespoons of dried hibiscus leaves and about 5 or 6 dried stevia leaves avoid sugar. We boil a liter of water, when it boils we will turn off the fire and add the leaves. Immediately after immersing them in water, we cover them, so we manage to infuse them slowly until they cool.

Once cooled, strain, drain and serve.We can keep the leaves as they will serve us after being injected for other purposes.

Although hibiscus is a flower with health benefits and is safe for the body when consumed in moderation, it important to know There are occasions or moments when you should not accept it.

It is important to know that you cannot mix these infusions with certain medicines. Some medications that should not be mixed with hibiscus include: Chloroquine (Aralen), diabetes medicines or antihypertensive medicineswait.

Infusion of this plant is not recommended if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Always consult your doctor if you want to introduce home remedies into your daily life.

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