Machine-generated songs are already here (and they’re viral) –

This article, published on newsstands June 16 at 7, is part of an investigation that Corriere magazine devoted to AI, artificial intelligence. A survey on Artificial Intelligence for everyone, why it is being discussed so much and what will change. But also how the AI ​​revolution began, what it is and what stage it really is: a journey between the practice and theory of algorithms that will (probably) change our lives

single in mid aprilheart on my sleeve It went viral on Tiktok. seems to be sung by drake and the weeknd, In fact his voice was encoded and recreated by an algorithm. Within days, Universal, which owned the rights to both, asked for the song to be removed from any platform as it was a clear violation of the law. copyright , At the same time, Spotify was removing about 7% of uploaded tracks from its catalog. Boomi A site that generates music using artificial intelligence, ie thousands of songs created with a single code. This is not the first time that music meets AI, it already happened in 2017 when Sony used the Flow Machine program to create a song papa’s car , And it’s happening again now, with Universal announcing a deal with Andel, a small music production company in Berlin, to create sound mats for activities like meditation for AI.

return of john lennon

streaming is king

And technological influence is nothing new in the digital industry either. As explained by Enzo Mazza, CEO of FIMI (the federation of the Italian music industry), Around 83% of the Italian recording market is digital., Not necessarily a negative revolution, as smart speakers or audio platforms have given rise to streaming. But the subject is changing. We’re not talking about playlists that are created based on our tastes, but about generative artificial intelligence that could “hit the heart of this sector”., The Italian music world is reacting to this innovation in different ways. There are those who allow themselves to be fascinated and who wish, like Giuliano Sangiorgi of Negramros, “never to have to use it, because I love to bleed and write too much”.

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Lyrics written by Vasco & Chatbot GPT

Vasco Rossi, interviewed by Andrea Lafranchi on 7 May 12, admitted that he asked her to write a song imitating his style but “I didn’t see myself”. According to Cheop, Alfredo Rapetti Mogol, songwriter and painter, the exploitation of artificial intelligence «is first of all a renunciation of the gift of creativity, a kind of unconditional artistic dedication. And what’s more, it is an unequal challenge. unfair, wrong. As if we wanted to pit a man against a panther. Who can ever win? The relationship between music and AI revolves around two factors. The first is the emotional aspect, the second is the legal aspect. « In the meantime, we must work on the organic intelligence that is inside us, which sometimes fails. Then to focus on more technical things» Emma Marron comments, adding: “Technology without soul and without empathy will go nowhere”. Cheops also agrees. What makes a song is the human aspect: «During the writing phase, there is a need and urgency for the artist to convey something that is basically everyone’s. Artificial intelligence may also have the ability to compose a beautiful song, but then what? We already have more production of one – sacred – songs, do we want to add more?».

The 7 Rules of Human Artistry Campaign Ign

According to Irama “we are not yet that far beyond the artist to make him something completely original”. “The author’s sensitivity will be important, and above all the public” underlines Negramaro’s keyboardist Andrea Mariano “it can be fearful if everything becomes more aseptic”. Scared though, it’s not Enzo Mazza, who launched as Fimi In association with the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) countrysideThe Human Artistry Campaign, supported by nearly fifty organizations. this is a Seven Point Manifesto Introducing Fundamental Principles for Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Support “Human Creativity and Ingenuity”, What the manifesto calls for is regulation and transparency. Right now the most important aspect is «training».

Input Stage: Old Verses for New Hits

New technologies use existing materials to create new materials. The first step is input: by means of humming tunes or written text, the user explains to the software what type of audio they want. Specify the genre, duration, theme, and maybe even which singers to inspire. anymore Artificial intelligence will search for inspiration among the hundreds of thousands of hours of songs published on the web and combine these sounds to create separate lines for each musical instrument, So it is necessary to protect the people who created and disseminated those materials before them. Currently there is free software and others for a fee, as are libraries on the web with tunes that can be easily downloaded and used as background music. «For certain uses» continues the CEO of FIMI «Existing laws apply».

Remove non-man-made content from forums

audio platform on the other hand They removed non-man-made content because it infringed copyright , For others, governments are at work. The Artificial Intelligence Act, a bill that aims to implement laws already in place, is being discussed in the European Parliament. Added to this is the need for transparency. The sixth point of the declaration requires “labeling content generated specifically by AI that describes all inputs and the methodology used to create them, informs consumer choices and protects creators and rights holders.” Is”, Instead, according to Cheops, it is unfair to take advantage of the voices of past writers to create new songs that they have never sung. An exercise that instead charms the artists, whose eyes light up when asked: If you could sing with someone who is no more, who would you choose?

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Emma has the answer Amy WinehouseWhile Irama, if he could, would sing a duet with Fabrizio De Andre, his dream since childhood. luigi tanco The name is chosen by Gaia. While Nuclear Tactic Penguin’s frontman, Riccardo Zanotti, is part of that ensemble of artists attracted by the potential of AI, which, according to him, is “very interesting because it allows artists’ voices to be encoded like, for example, Freddie Mercury Or Chris Martin And write songs that he never sang in his own rhythm. For Cheops this use is “violence” against a person who cannot say whether that couplet would have done it or not., Furthermore, there is the risk that, by continuing to modify a repertoire, it loses “the origin and purity of what it was”. Not only on their image, but also on their voice and personality, their legal aspects and rights are mentioned.

«It used to be said that autotune would make everyone sing» Maza concludes «But it was not so. Again, I believe that writers with great instinct and artistic ability will be able to use this technique to create even higher content. to allow it, One of the goals of the Declaration is to obtain an exclusive copyright for human-made productions., and not specifically for those created with AI». The goal is that, by not being able to monetize synthetic products, we can discourage their use.

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