Macron denounced Israel

Macron, English yayın kuruluş BBC yi Verdigi Ozil Mulakata Ghazi di Hayat Gesiriligic bir ateşkesin ISrail’in faydasına olacağını söyledi.

“(Ate) şkes çağrısı) Yapacaklarını umuyorum.” green yanıtını.

On November 7, Macron said, “The Israeli republic and foreign leaders claimed that “it is not just about terrorism, but about threats and repression.” Gün geçtikçe Gazze’de sivillerin devamlı Bombalandığını görmeye başladık.” ifadelerini kullandı.

This is what old people say about Macron, Israel’s history today is, “Silver is better than others.” Green cevabını.

“Israel Dormaya Chageryuruz”

Macron: “Is Israel unable to liberate its rights?” sorusunu is the perfect solution:

“Your partner has the best friend who has the best health and the best for you, but he is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one. Adınlar, ya şlılar Bombal. Anıp öldürülüyor. Bu yüzden İsrail’ i durmaya çağırıyoruz. Ibn Hakim değilim, bir devlet başkanıyım. Herkese uluslararası hukuku hatırlatıyorum ve ateşkes çağrısı yapıyorum.”

Macron, Israeli gas bombing, Israeli bombing with 70% of nuclear weapons.

If you want to know about anti-Semitism, you should be aware of the fact that when Macron talks about it, he is asking for more information about a Jew who knows nothing about it. gerektiğini söyledi.


Russia and Ukraine have allied themselves with Macron, and Russia’s Kazanmasa has returned to Europe through the imperial empire that resided in Europe and Europe from the Soviet Union.

Russia and Ukraine declare “imperialism and hegemony” at the hands of Macron, and Ukraine is abandoning the largest number of French people of its former rulers.

Ukraine is being supported in this country with Macron’s help, so that Ukraine in its home country will pay attention to the best of its kind.

Macron, he settled his artwork by hosting Meta and Google gibi sirketlerin nefret suçuyla ilgili sözlerini yerine getirmediğine vurgu yaptı.

If you look at the people you see in the control system in France, the people who belong to Macron, iklim değişikliğinin dünyanın bölgelerinde terörizme sebep olduğuna işaret etti.

“Macron surprised me when he said, ‘I’m talking about this with everyone else,'” Macron said. “Le Gilde.” Chris.

Macron intends to hold telephone talks with French President Emmanuel Macron in order to maintain his clergy.

(marks for translation) Macron

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