Madame Web – what we know about the spin-off “Spider-Man”

Spider-Verse from Sony Pictures continues to expand as it prepares Madame Webfirst spin off Spiderman in women’s. As the studio seeks to expand its cinematic universe, this new installment aims to diversify the Spider-Man character lineup on the big screen.

There release date From Madame Web rescheduled from summer to autumn 2023, finally rescheduled for February 14, 2024. The decision to time the film around Valentine’s Day weekend, which is historically favorable for films based on comics such as Dead Pool, the date can contribute to the commercial result. There direction it’s from the british S.J. Clarksonknown for her work on TV series such as Jessica Jones. Screenplay initial from Karem Sanga then improved Matt Sazama AND Burke Sharplessauthors Morbiusas well as our great operator from the match Mauro Fiore (Spiderman: No Way Home, Avatars among many).

Produces big Lawrence Bonaventure. Based on the mysterious history of the character from the comics, Madame Web offers a new origin story. In Marvel comics, Madame Web is represented as Cassandra Webbborn blind man with psychic powers. Movie explore its transformation into a famous character, giving Spider-Man fans a unique perspective. Casting assumptions suggest that Dakota Johnson she could have played a modern day version of Cassandra.

L’Sony’s absence from the streaming service industry puts the studio in a unique position for distribution. By agreement in 2021, Sony films are generally intended for netflix, upon release in theaters. Therefore, it is expected that Madame Web will follow suit by debuting on VOD next year.

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