madonna britney christina aguilera rehearsal video arrival of her epic performance

20 years after Madonna, Britney and Christina’s famous MTV VMA performance, a rehearsal video has emerged of the official performance.

madonna aguilera britney

The Madonna–Britney Spears–Christina Aguilera performance at the 2003 VMAs was controversial and memorable, and at the 2003 MTV Video Music Awards. Performances included pop icons Madonna, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.

The performance began with Madonna, dressed in a wedding suit, singing Her hit song is “Like a Virgin”. Britney Spears, dressed in a wedding dress, joined Madonna on stage and performed a provocative duet. During the performance, Madonna kissed both Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera on the lips, generating widespread media attention and controversy.

The kiss between Madonna and Britney Spears, in particular, has become an iconic moment and has generated a significant amount of discussion and debate., It has been seen as a symbolic passage from Madonna, considered a trailblazer for her provocative performances in the 80s and 90s, to a new generation of pop stars such as Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.

exhibition on The 2003 VMAs were widely discussed in the media and became one of the most talked-about moments in MTV VMA history. It has sparked debate about sexuality, feminism and the limits of the performing arts. Madonna’s performance in particular was seen as a bold statement of sexual expression and artistic freedom.

Since then, the Madonna–Britney Spears performance at the 2003 VMAs has remained a seminal moment in pop culture and is frequently referenced and parodied in various forms of media. It has been regarded as a groundbreaking and controversial phenomenon that pushed the boundaries of mainstream entertainment.

Today we can see the full rehearsal video of this iconic performance

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