Madrid steps up hospital efforts to fight flu

MADRID (EFE) – The Madrid community has equipped the region’s public hospitals with 1,800 health professionals within the framework of a winter plan launched this week, due to an increase in the need for care due to the onset of seasonal influenza and, as is typical for other respiratory diseases at that time. Same as systemic diseases.

This was announced by Health Minister Fatima Matut during the government-controlled session of the Parliament in Madrid.

Matute said that this professional intensification is aimed at “improving the health of Madrid residents” and that this winter program is “already underway” and represents an “increase of 12.7%” compared to 2022.

Specifically, government adviser Isabel Díaz Ayuso detailed that 120 doctors, 596 nursing professionals, 561 technical assistive care technicians (TCAE), 115 guardians and 22 laboratory technicians will be included , a total of 1,414 soldiers serving the adult population.

In addition, regional public health units will increase their workforce to respond to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), the leading cause of bronchiolitis in children. Among them, there are 30 pediatricians, 188 nursing staff, 150 assistants, 18 guards, and a total of 386 pediatricians.

It is to prevent this infection that the Autonomous Community of Madrid began vaccinating 50,000 infants on October 2.

The plan is divided into three phases

The winter plan will also see an increase in the number of beds, with 1,075 more beds (+5.5%) than last year, including 166 for children and adolescents and 61 for intensive care patients, due to growth in general and intensive care admissions.

The program consists of three phases, initiated based on the frequency of hospital emergencies. To this end, the dashboard will monitor data on a daily basis in order to monitor the epidemiological and healthcare situation in detail so that resources can be allocated where they are most needed.

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