Malala Yousafzai, children’s activist fighting for the right to education – DiLei

Every corner of the world has extraordinary people who fights bravely against violence and injustice.

Even risking their own lives, they faithfully defend the rights and freedoms of others, stubbornly fighting against oppressionand discrimination and abuse. They don’t wear cloaks and masks, but their own. strength and determination make them real heroes.

Today we will dive into the story of an extraordinary personality, a young woman who has been distinguished by courage since childhood: Malala Yousafzai. The little girl who defied the threats of the Pakistani Taliban and her country’s socio-cultural injustice against protect the right to education.

He paid for his insolence brutal violence. But this cruelty did not destroy her; indeed, she became stronger and more determined than ever.

Malala Yousafzai, voice of change

Story Malala Yousafzai begins when, at the age of 11, he begins to write bbc blog in urdu telling the world about his daily struggle to get into school.

But Islamic extremists don’t like it. At the age of 14, waiting for the bus home, he comes hit by three bullets who leave her to die. His fault? fight for the right to learnan outrage that should be punished by death.

But Malala survives, being treated in the United Kingdom, where she decides to stay to continue her studies. The following year he takes arresting speech beforeUnited Nations Youth Assembly in New York to denounce the plight of girls in Pakistan. He focuses his words on education as a fundamental tool for gender equality, identifying it as the only solution to fight inequality. During the event, he states:One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world.“.

At the age of 17 she was awarded Nobel Prizebecoming the youngest woman in history to receive this prestigious award.

Thanks to his extraordinary willpower and courage, Malala Yousafzai becomes such one of the most famous activists and respected in the world. On September 25, 2015, along with a number of prominent personalities, including Stevie Wonder, Jennifer Lopez, Meryl Streep and many others, he becomes a testament to Seventeen global goals of the United Nationsalso known as Sustainable Development Goals should be achieved by 2030. A call for urgent action by all countries to protect the planet.

March 8, 2021, on the occasion International Women’s DayApple announces a partnership with a young activist to create original content that inspires people around the world to fight for education and equality.

In 2023, she made her debut as an executive producer on 95th Academy Awards with documentary short filmStranger at the gate“, candidate for the nomination”Best Short Documentary“.

Despite the threats he continues to receive to this day, he does not stop fighting tirelessly protect the right to education.

During Global Education Summit London 2021 said:What makes me really positive is the optimism that young people carry in their hearts. They want a better world, they want a safer world, they want a fairer world, and they are ambitious, they don’t give up on their dreams. As a child, you believed that anything is possible and I think this is the spirit that we should continue to carry in our hearts.“.

Banning Girls’ Education: A Threat to the Future

Despite the heroic feat of such brave women as Malala Yousafzai, who dedicated their lives to fight for human rightsthere are still many places in the world where they are systematically denied.

In these turbulent times, we are watching with concern the aggravation of the tragic reality in the territory where women and girls are deprived of their liberty express yourself, work and, above all, learn:Afghanistan.

These are the same women who courageously and resolutely fought for their fundamental rights. compelled to watch helplessly as their aspirations and dreams are stifled.

Lack of schooling for girls and boys, which is particularly acute in Afghanistan but also occurs in other settings, is a huge risk that could lead to increased practice early marriageswhich they often entail abuse AND violence.

In addition, the deprivation of women’s education prevents half of future generations from actively participating in the labor force. condemn the whole people to the future of poverty. This results in ever-decreasing household incomes, which in turn fuels a vicious cycle of poverty and inequality.

With the return of the Taliban to power in the last two years the situation worsened dramatically, making Afghanistan the only country in the world where women are banned from studying and attending secondary school.

Personal freedoms were also severely restricted. It is forbidden to play sports, wear colored clothes, use cosmetics and even laugh in public.

They destroyed the only bridge that could connect me to my future.‘, a Kabul University student told the BBC.I thought I could learn and change my life, but they ruined it.“.

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