New fan-created images show actors from the Marvel Cinematic Universe becoming DC Universe superheroes, including Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr., voted the best in the world. Since 2008, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has become the biggest superhero franchise since Warner Bros. tried to compete with Marvel Studios through the DCEU. As the MCU continues to move forward, a new DC Universe is on the way from DC Studios with some iconic characters to be cast in the James Gunn franchise.
Superman: Legacy currently has a new Man of Steel and will also feature Green Lantern (Guy Gardner), Hawkgirl, Metamorpho, and Mister Terrific. While casting is on hold due to alliance issues with SAG-AFTRA and the Writers Guild of America, fans are wondering if MCU actors will be cast in the new DC Universe.
As TheOGCukeman told on Reddit, the gallery features several Avengers as heroes of the Justice League and even villains of the DC Universe. Evans as Superman and Downey Jr. as Batman, and Evangeline Lilly and Natalie Portman as Wonder Woman and Mera, respectively. On the villain side, Elizabeth Olsen becomes Poison Ivy, while Mark Ruffalo and Paul Bettany introduce themselves as Two-Face and Enigma, respectively.
The idea of MCU actors playing DC’s most iconic characters solves one of the biggest questions in the superhero genre: whether there will ever be a cinematic crossover between DC and Marvel. Actors on both sides may have also expressed a desire for this to happen. While it happened in the comics, making it a reality between two big Hollywood production companies is a much bigger challenge.
Disney and Warner Bros, as well as Marvel and DC Studios, will have to legally negotiate a crossover that both sides win. Ultimately, both parties would like to make sure that their intellectual property is at the center of the project as much as possible. The fact that the crossover hasn’t happened yet, despite more superhero media than ever, could itself be a sign that a crossover between DC and Marvel isn’t likely to happen anytime soon.
On the other hand, depending on how the MCU develops over the next few years and what happens to the new DC Universe, there may come a time when the two studios make a reasonable crossover deal, especially with the recent focus on the multiverse. . This will most likely happen when the Gunn DC Universe stabilizes and functions properly before it starts intertwining with something massive like the MCU. But for now, only time will tell if the MCU and the DC Universe get a chance to cross paths on the big screen.
Source: Reddit