Maryland Today | Study confirms the existence of carnivores…

Close-up of green bacteria

Vibrio vulnificus under a microscope

Vibrio Bacteria occur naturally in the ocean, living in symbiotic relationships with crustaceans, zooplankton and bivalves.When the bacteria come into contact with humans, some species may cause an infection called vibriosis, but side effects depend on the type of bacteria
Vibrio and severity of infection. v. Bacillus parahaemolyticus Can cause gastroenteritis and wound infection, while Vibrio vulnificus This species can cause necrotizing fasciitis, a flesh-eating infection, and kills one in five people infected.

People can become infected with Vibrio by eating raw or undercooked seafood or by contact with seawater in an open wound.because VibrioIt thrives in warm, salty water, and hurricanes and floods can increase exposure.

Some conditions conducive to growth during and after Hurricane Ian Vibrio Bacteria, including changes in rainfall, sea surface temperatures and the concentration of chlorophyll in the ocean, can all indicate plankton blooms.In areas rich in this microscopic marine life, researchers also found large numbers of Vibrio bacteria.

As warming oceans are expected to trigger wetter, more powerful storms like Iain, coastal communities could see more Vibrio future infections.

“Estos Vibrio Typically grow well between 15 and 40 degrees Celsius (59-104 degrees Fahrenheit), so as temperatures rise, their reproductive time shortens and they divide faster and faster,” Colwell said. “Seawater changes Warmth—mixed with fresh water, which creates optimal salinity—really promotes biological growth. Vibrio, so this is a very serious problem. “

Although environmental conditions in Florida were ripe for Vibrio infections after Hurricane Ian, these cases were not limited to the South. In August 2023, three people died in New York and Connecticut Vibrio vulnificus Infect.

(Double infection fighter: A scientist who changed the world’s understanding of cholera bravely faced sexism in her field)

Colwell and her co-authors, who include Kyle Bloomfield, Ph.D. ’23 (marine estuarine environmental sciences) and Anwar Huq, UMD research professor of cell biology and molecular genetics, looked at trends in environmental conditions in the northeastern U.S. A recent surge in vibriosis cases was predicted. Colwell said the rapidly warming Chesapeake Bay could also be affected as ocean temperatures continue to rise.

“Florida’s water is much warmer than the Chesapeake Bay right now, but it’s getting warmer along much of the East Coast,” Colwell said. “This is a threatening sign that we may see more Vibrio vulnificus Infect. “

Colwell and her co-authors note that while they only analyzed a limited number of samples, their findings illustrate the potential of genetic analysis, environmental data and remote sensing to improve public health through proactive detection and characterization. VibrioPathogens.

They also called for further investigation to quantify the prevalence VibrioBacteria in different locations, seasons and environmental conditions. Colwell said the research is not only critical for public health but also an important step toward understanding climate change.

“On the positive side, knowing that these infections are associated with increased variability in climate change, maybe now is the time to develop mechanisms to understand and mitigate it,” Colwell said. “Climate change and flooding are clearly linked to infectious diseases , we need to take it seriously.”

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