Mastro J – the new single is “Changes”


Mastro J – the new single is “Changes”


We had a chat with Mastro J, an Italian dj producer who has just released “Changes“, a song of great impact.

Can you tell us how your new single was born?

After a period of inactivity I felt the need to express myself through the art that I master best. In reality I have never stopped composing music even if I have been away from important stages. As often happens in other creative fields, the best ideas are the ones that don’t need many tweaks. The final version of “Changes” is not far from the very first demo I made in the spring of 2022. It is one of the songs I am most satisfied with ever.

How was the production, Master J? Did you collaborate with other professionals, artists or did you do it all by yourself?

In all that concerns the creative part, I have deliberately done everything by myself, to rediscover intimacy and why not, also to get back into the game. Teamwork always pays off, however, it was important in this case too. In the finalization and placement phase, where it is important to choose and decide platforms and goals to achieve, I relied on people who have been collaborating with me for some time.

“Changes” is a song that brings together very different sounds and rhythms, in a surprising way.

You can listen to it at full volume or in the background, you can use it during a workout or enjoy it on an airpods trip. It’s a song that accompanies the mood of the listener and does so thanks to the different periods that compose it, it tastes like revenge, but also melancholy.

There is a very accurate vocal part, but it is also a piece that definitely makes you dance…

The sound world that I prefer most is the dance world of the 90s and 2000s, when songs were born in the industrial areas of the Italian province that later became real anthems, anthems in the world. The organist at my wedding played “L’Amour Toujours” by Gigi D’Agostino, a useful detail to understand how much for me a dance song must be accompanied by a beautiful singing.

Are the lyrics of “Changes” about possibilities, changes or both?

It depends on you and your mood. In certain moments the melancholy side emerges, in others the revenge, in still others the energy of the beat, listening to “Changes” every emotion is free to be released.

What do you think the musical trends will be in summer 2023?

The trend of recent times is to speed up or slow down songs and make them go viral thanks to TikTok videos. Lady Gaga after 11 years saw her “Bloody Mary” at the top of the charts for the first time, crushing millions of streams and views. Based on what happens on social platforms, DJs produce remixes or bootlegs. In other words, disco hits were once born in clubs, then on the radio, now on TikTok. “Changes” does not belong to the trend line, precisely because it is the result of my very personal sensations.

What is music for you in this moment of your life?

A travel companion, one of the things I couldn’t do without.

Recorded music seems to be worth less and less, while concerts are booming… Or not?

It’s always difficult to take clear-cut positions, when you think you’ve made a coherent reasoning, whoever has the evidence to deny everything and overturn the result comes out (Alessandro Borghese teaches). I would say that compared to the past, Italian music knows how to make itself respected as well as concerts, which seem to bring together more and more generations. The numbers tell a discography far from the glories of the past, but this does not detract from the fact

that the value of recorded music is infinite. Just think of how silly and banal the stories we publish can be emptied of a worthy song that supports the mood…

Is there work space for those who want to deal with music as a producer and DJ?

The difficulty lies in the difficulty of objectively understanding one’s own abilities. There are producers and DJs who feel they are better than they are and in order not to come to terms with reality they “dope” the market by buying rankings, feeds and everything in this world that can have a price. However, the answer is yes, you can work in music, as long as there is talent and aptitude.

What advice would you give to a young producer / dj who dreams of making a living from dance music?

A talent doesn’t need my advice, he certainly knows what to do to establish himself. I’m sure of one thing though: people tend to talk about what they don’t have, so if anyone ever criticizes your talent, you’ll know why.


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