Matamoros prison director murdered by suspected killer

Edwin David Patzán González, director of the Men’s Preventive Detention Center in Area 1 of Matamoros, was shot dead by unknown persons.

This fact is evident thanks to video surveillance cameras.

The recording shows the moment Pazin was walking on the sidewalk heading to his workplace at 6:45 a.m. last Saturday.

Additionally, a masked man followed him until he reached a store, pulled out a gun and began running away.

When he finally reached the victim, the killer shot him at close range until the victim fell to the ground.

Two men working in the trade looked out onto the street, watching as the criminal returned and picked up what appeared to be a mobile phone.

When he stood up, he took a few steps back and fired two more shots at Chief Matamoros.

The witness simply hid to avoid being attacked, while the subject fled the crime scene.

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