Matteo Bocelli, my moment

Matteo Bocelli was born in and from music. His father is an international star Andrea Bocelli: The opera singer makes him grow up at the age of six with his fingers on the piano keys of his home in Tuscany between notes, instruments and songs, the pentagram, which he learns to read from an early age. Music has always been his daily life, but as a teenager he realizes that he cannot live without it and wants to focus all his energy there. Papa Bocelli isn’t enthusiastic about it, but he supports it, so much so that he inducted her five years ago. “fall on me”In addition to being the soundtrack to Joe The Nutcracker and the Four Realms Disney, with more than 300 million streams, takes her to the universe of the greats among international shows and forums such as the Sanremo Festival.

Will be published on 22 September mateo, his first record, is the result of years of research, written or rehearsed songs, investigation in search of himself and an intimate story of the phase he is experiencing. Twelve tracks including lyrics in both English and Italian “Chasing Stars” by Ed Sheeran. and Brother Matthew. anticipated by single “For you”The album presents not the son of art, not the star who plays around the world with an announced tour of more than 30 dates in twelve countries from England to the United States (he will be in Italy on October 24 and 25), but the 25-year-old boy born in Forte dei Marmi, who looks to the important people in his life, uncovers his values, puts love and feelings at the center, tries to walk alone, to demonstrate that fate is worthy And it matters how you act on the opportunities that life offers you.

matteo bocelli extra cosmopolitan coverpinterest icon

Matteo Bocelli is the new Extra cover cosmopolitan, Photo by Mattia Guolo.

Mattia Guolo

Matthew, A very clear title.

“First of all the album should have been titled stages of, to tell an exact period of my life. However, the American record company feared that the Italian title would not be understood overseas. Mateo This was my second thought. I think it’s important to outline one’s identity on the first album. Apart from this, there is also a photo of me on the cover. It’s a statement of who I am.”

no surname?

“I am proud to be the son of a man who has achieved great success in the world, admired by many, I do not find my surname “heavy”, but it was time to walk on my own feet, without the protective wing of my father.

Did it make you feel safe?

“In 2018, when I released the first song of my life, it was a leap of faith for me, but I knew I would get support. I went from making music at home, for friends and family, to stages around the world, to big TV. The emotional jump was great. Essentially sharing everything with my father, who is a man who has suffered and experienced everything, but he played a very important role in the beginning of my career. And in life in general.”

Is it hard to be a child of art?

“It’s not. However, when it comes to music, if I really have to find a negative point, it’s this You can’t freely allow yourself to experiment and make mistakes, as can those who start from zero. The casual person can make mistakes without criticism, I sometimes feel that I create high expectations, as if I already had to be on my father’s level. but it’s not like that. It is a continuous development, singing and artistic.

what moment do you feel

“I feel I have a lot more work to do and a lot more to give. This is a well defined first step in my career and life. I tried to put my feelings in these songs. I am finding my identity and it is not easy when there are so many expectations. I am talking about love, which is not necessarily just for one person. Lots of love to the people who have been close to me, who have raised me, who have helped me become the artist and person that I am today.

How are your songs born?

“I don’t like going into the studio and writing without knowing each other.” For me it kills the spirit of making music. I love meeting writers, even talking all day. The creation that is born must have a true and authentic story between those who wrote it.

Ed Sheeran signed a song with his brother Matthew.

“I’ve always been a huge fan of his. His brother collaborated with my dad on “Perfect Symphony”. The first time I saw Ed was opening for Taylor Swift. I’ve always followed him, I’ve seen him in Turin, Milan. I met him and then at the European Music Awards where he could meet my dad. When he proposed to collaborate on “Perfect Symphony” my dad asked me what I thought. I replied Diya, are you even thinking about it? He’s a wonderful human being, with a wonderful humanity that always makes you feel at ease. I was shocked when I heard the song “Chasing Stars”. We look alike.”

what in

From the point of view of father and son, my childhood is similar to that, His father has also always been fond of music. A love of classical music came from his family, as a child he played the cello. I found myself in his text. And I never thought that I would be able to sing any of his songs. You may be the son of a great artist, but it’s not automatic that Ed Sheeran sings you one of his songs. He is a special person.”

how was your childhood

“Dad was always at home, If he wasn’t listening to the music he sang, he trained, My brother was the first one in the family to start playing the piano and how often does it happen that the younger brother follows the older brother in everything he does. We grew up with dads who wanted us to have as much knowledge about the world as possible. We were supposed to do well in school, but this happened It is important to him that we know the music, which has been very important to his career. Piano was never a big aspiration of mine, but I enjoy playing it. Perhaps Celentano more than Bach. And then I found out that I love singing.

When did you realize what you want to make your future?

“I played the piano, but at Mom’s house I sang. There was only me, him and my brother. There were always a lot of people at Dad’s house. I was a shy kid. I felt less free. About twelve years old I asked the piano teacher to be able to sing. Around the age of fourteen I started calling Pier Paolo Guerini, my father’s sound engineer, to be able to make recordings in the studio. Dad let me go, he wanted to see how much I really care about doing it,

Did you dream of a future in music for your children?

“Never. She just wanted us to know her. And today I thank her because it’s important to know how to read numbers. Not original, Pavarotti didn’t even know music, but I’m glad I studied.” When he realized that it would make me happy, he referred me. But with great concern. He knows all the difficulties of an artistic career, he probably wishes I had taken care of the winery!

Travel the world instead.

“Every time I leave my field I think about how lucky we are. I am still living in Italy and every morning I wake up thanking God for my health and for being Italian. i’m so proud of itOr. It feels good to travel and come home and improve the place where you live. I would like my music to reach my country as well. The album contains four tracks in Italian. We will see, things should not be forced. But I will be happy if Italy opens its arms for me.

You have worked as a model before, does physicality matter?

“Everything matters today. There are social networks, there is a whole framework. Physicality can definitely help a little, but it does not lead to success.

What values ​​do you believe in?

“I hope to be a person of good values, I have many values, but honesty is a very important value to me.” The track on the disc is “Honesty” which closes the tracklist. I wanted to appreciate it. I grew up in an environment made up of people who loved me and loved me, but it was very difficult to identify with.”

In what ways?

,Many people approached you for the nickname you had, not for the person you really were or still are. Maybe that’s why honesty means so much to me. It means a lot if you meet a person with you who is clear and frank, who loves you just the way you are. It’s a touchy subject, they tell you it, even the girls. Those people were important in my development who helped me become the person I am today. Career help doesn’t matter, the important things in life are far more valuable to me.

Which are they?

“Values, Humility, Humanity.” They admire me because, despite my fame, I am a humble person. Being like this is no merit, but if I have my feet on the ground today, it is thanks to the people who helped me get back up when I reached home. They make me recognize the reality, which is not the one I grew up with. My family is offended when I say this, but the world we live in, no matter how simple I try to be, is not the real world. Getting up and down from plane to plane, traveling the world, being on TV, having the opportunity to meet the world’s greatest personalities is a privilege, but it’s not a reality”.


“So when I get home I take refuge in Lajatico from all this, in my Tuscan village, and I rendezvous with my mechanic friend, the Fireman… who gives me some important things to do for the day. The affection of the public is fundamental and important to me, but then you live with people outside the stage as well. And they are the ones you should help to live simply and honestly. I am grateful to them.”

(Tags to translate) Matteo Bocelli

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