Maurice Galimberti. Moments of History – Exhibition – Brescia – Mo.Ca. – Center for New Cultures

Maurizio Galimberti, Kim Puch Napalm Attack

Place: Mocha. – Center for New Cultures

Time Table: Tuesday-Sunday, 15.00-19.00. the ticket office closes one hour earlier

ticket price: Total: €5.00; Reduction: €4.00 (children under 7 years old, adults over 65 years old and students); Group: €5.00; School: €4.00. With an admission ticket it is possible to visit all the exhibitions set up in Mo.Ca: Brescia Photo Festival Temporary Exhibitions and Brescia Photography Section

From 24th June to 27th August 2023 Mohd. CA – The Center for New Cultures of Brescia hosts Maurizio Galimberti’s exhibition (Como, 1956), one of the best-known and best-known Italian writers on the Italian and international art scene.

Exhibition presents photographic series titled Fully moments of historywhich traces the events of the 20th century through epochal events such as the war in Vietnam, the attack on the Twin Towers, the COVID-19 pandemic and its heroes such as John Paul II, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa of Calcutta and others. , forty large format works Composed of a combination of snapshots that reproduce the most iconic images of recent decades, through which the artist reinterprets the collective memory.
The bicycle was entirely manufactured by Paolo Ludovisi and is part of the Luchi Collection Fund.

In his works, Galimberti selects photographs taken by other authors, takes them several times from different perspectives, breaks them up and reassembles them “in a mosaic”, thus reiterating their symbolic value, such as underline their strength and suggestive power, which “is worth more than a thousand words”.

“In the vast landscape of people who do photography today, or think they do – Underlines Renato Corsini, art curator of Brescia Photo Festival – Being instantly recognizable is an attribute of no small importance. Maurizio Galimberti succeeds: “It’s a Galimberti” is the constant that accompanies the comments of those who visit and see one of his works even before the author has read them. Having your own style that identifies you in the midst of a production that has now become bulimic is a sign of creative maturity and a cultivated ability to uncover all the elements that make up one’s photography. ,

“Project – Maurizio Galimberti recalls – It was born from a discussion with Paolo Ludovici, who created the entire work and presented all the works on display, with whom I have a true friendship and a complexity of design that is capable of renewing itself every day.

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Maurice Galimberti (Como, 1956) active on the international art scene for over thirty years; He is known worldwide, as well as for the poetic characterization of his projects, for his portraits of stars such as Lady Gaga, Robert De Niro, Johnny Depp and Umberto Eco, and for producing publications and exhibitions. site specific on New York, Paris, Milan, Rome and Venice. He was the worldwide testimonial of Polaroid International and is today regarded by critics as one of the most instant artist Especially not a photographer.
One of the initiatives of the review 6th edition of Brescia Photo Festival, promoted by the Municipality of Brescia and the Brescia Musei Foundation, in collaboration with Ma.Co.f – Italian Photography Center, with the artistic curatorship of Renato Corsini; The festival proposes a series of initiatives presented in the most prestigious exhibition venues of the city and which revolve around the theme, in the year 2023, of Bergamo Brescia Italian Capital of Culture. Capital and the areas of action on which the respective program is built; especially, culture as therapywhich reinterprets the tradition of the call to solidarity of the Brescian society; city ​​of natureRedesigning relationships for sustainable coexistence; city ​​of hidden treasuresRethinking the relationship with existing heritage.

(tagstotranslate) Maurizio Galimberti

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