Max Papeski, Italian Andy Warhol

Artist Max Papeski, known as “Italian Andy Warhol”, has rapidly conquered international art in just ten years, gaining recognition from public and critics from all over the world.

His stylistic handwriting … irony.

Before moving into digital art, he worked as an author and director in theatre, television and film.

In my work, “aesthetic care” is a fundamental part of the message. I imitate advertising language, which is well practiced, so my work cannot be in poor condition. But I don’t think aesthetics and beauty are the same thing. (…) Considering my experience in the entertainment world, I think that both past and contemporary artists have only partially influenced me. When I think of “great masters”, Kubrick, Petri and Tarantino come to mind more often than Giotto, Picasso and Koons.

Max Papesky for

Max Papesky at Extincion – Chapter One – Milan 2023

Papeski realistically depicts globalization and contemporary consumerism, highlighting their limitations and degeneration, often with complex meaning, creating works of high media influence that look like advertising campaigns.

His work transforms icons such as Mickey Mouse, Ronald McDonald’s, Obama and Kim Jong Un (to name but a few), along with everyday situations, into terrifying collective nightmares.

His career has been marked by scandals and controversy, but he has earned several international awards, becoming one of the most respected young Italian artists abroad.

Nazi Sexy Mouse 2009

His most famous work with Mickey Mouse and the swastika was exhibited in 2010 on the facade of the Abnormals Gallery in Poznań, which launched his career.

(…) In just four years of activity, I have already managed to outrage international public opinion, anger my mother, tarnish the reputation of the most outspoken icon of children’s images and denigrate the anthem and flag of my country. In short, my career has consolidated, I don’t know, as an artist or as a media jester, but it doesn’t matter, the difference is almost imperceptible. Like the collaboration between Lady Gaga and Marina Abramovic, it is unclear if Abramovich purged Germanotta of convention in the art world or if it was Germanotta who purged Abramovich of convention in the world of media antics.

excerpt from a book “Sell swastikas and live happilyMax Papesky

ARTIST. Max Papeschi @maxpapeschi


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