MCU, Chris Evans makes fans dream: the announcement is creepy

Marvel Cinematic Universe, Chris Evans speaks for the first time of his possible return: creepy announcement.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has certainly changed cinema: in the last 15 years, superhero films have strung together science fiction numbers.

Chris Evans with mustache (Instagram) –

Certainly thanks to the MCU, capable of bringing a shared story with numerous characters and with many films intertwined with each other. Therefore, in order to understand what is happening, the fans had to admire all the films created in recent years. Chris Evans he was definitely one of the most beloved characters. The star played Steve Rogers aka Captain America. The hero, in the approval ratings, is certainly among the first places in the standings.

Although the good Steve did not die in the films, he was no longer present in the latest products. His story ended with a journey through time: Rogers decided to live his whole life with his Peggy. Despite this, fans always hope to see him again: there are still many stories to tell and especially with the multiverse it is possible to do everything. Meanwhile, Evans has been tickling everyone’s imaginations with some surprising statements.

MCU, is Chris Evans back? Surprising statements

Following Robert Downey Junior and Chris Evans’ MCU exits, the cinematic universe has reaped some bitter disappointments. The two pillars have been very important in recent years and their farewell has inevitably left its mark.

Chris Evans (Instagram) –

With the opening of the Multiverse and remembering that Steve Rogers is not dead at all, however, nothing is to be excluded. The two beloved stars could therefore return in the next Marvel films. Evans, in particular, has released some surprising statements in which he talked about the future of his character.

I deeply love that roleEvans explained about Captain America. “It means so much to me, and it really does. I think there are more Steve Rogers stories to tell. As much as he is attached to that role and loves to tell those stories, right now it doesn’t seem right to meor come back”. Good Chris, in any case, always uses one ‘maybe’ too many: his future, therefore, could be back in the MCU.

A young Chris Evans (Instagram photo) –

According to the most important rumors, Disney would like to work on a TV series with Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson as protagonists and producers. The show could be titled ‘Nomad’ and could chronicle everything that happened during the time Captain America brought the Infinity Stones back to the past.

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