High stress in the air
Very nervous about the idea of flying a plane, Jennifer Aniston has developed a series of strange rituals to try to summon destiny: half of her right foot rests on the tongue, touching the outside of the object, and then does two rounds the same as the previous entry. Anecdote shared in their copies Lisa Kudrow and Courteney Cox were interviewed, after which she and Courteney had a big conversation during the flight: they lost their haircut. Most of them are forays, as in the case of coup de pied!
Criminal trail
It premiered after a dramatic accident at the Jacksonville airport. More than once, in the days leading up to Noel, star Sandra Bullock appeared here to perform tricks with a truly inadequate eclérage. At that moment when the pilots flew onto the track and literally crashed into the front! Heureusement, les passengers de ce jet privé tot tous survécu. But Sandra Bullock has a phobic aversion to flying objects. Identified or not!
Batman the Bat de l’eille
Considering my height of 1.80 m and large muscles, the actor who is here to embody the Shovesuri man in 2022 will be gone for a long time. And to be fair, from the moment he takes off into the air, he finds a scared and terrified child ready to run away from his mother’s children. “J’ai les mains moites, j’écoute all les putains de bruits. Je deviens fou”, explique-t-il. Vite, hypnotherapy.
Vol au-dessus d’un nid de coucou
At the end of the star, things are not so simple. Surtout lorsqu’il s’agit de se placer in the air. The plane informs her that she is forced to point out a surprising strategy in order to be able to continue her journey. “I imagine that I’m here as a superheroine to walk by and save the world. And that’s why extraordinary things allow me to survive accidents.” Simple, effective!
А recalculates
On pourrait l’imaginer toujours entre deux aviions, Paris, New York, Tokyo… in the company of my son at sea. And now, since the President of the Republic is officially removed from the previous one, they are the glorified epic who takes measures to break the impasse. Cause? Know the panic in the air. “Fly with her and you can be sure that the main courses will arrive,” she admits in conversation. In case you weren’t aware, the First Lady would prefer to avoid any initial drama.
Tet in the air
Voila for many years: the 37-year-old artist prefers to look at her feet on solid ground. It’s simple, after the September 11 terrorist attacks he was simply “traumatized” by aviation, explain. At this moment you feel cramped in the pleurant à son voisin de galère, five minutes after the decollage. So, after your holiday, you prefer a relaxing stay at your family home in Finistere rather than returning to the Maldives.
Les Isles de Lenfer
When you get acquainted with the life of Kate Winslet, you understand her reluctance to board a plane. Also married to Sam Mendes, she passed two years later, they were recently announced at the last minute, they were scheduled… on September 11, 2001. traveling by plane is in vain. The parents decide to never forget their traveling ensemble so that their children remain orphans. The problem is that now, after the divorce in 2010…
Problem without problem
The TF1 animator has good reasons for not wanting this. At 17, when she returned to Thailand for holiday, the plane door was left locked and she lay in the cabin for several hours. After all, Valerie is afraid of all enclosed spaces, as well as elevators. And despite resorts to hypnosis, there is still a panic associated with the fact that you remain sick in jame kitta… Elle cherche toujours la clé. go away… Elle cherche toujours la clé.
They are beautiful
If you have a phobia about it, it’s the noise that causes Avions to take off and land. So, Spider-Man’s bride at this moment is greeted head over heels with ecuters-la! So, the cell here is waiting for you, the mistress of the air in the 2008 film, in the style of “Big Airlines”, the car sat down lui Rappelle sa that was the mistress of the air and leur ramenait Parfois du Caviar Laissee in the premier class. Ce qu’on appeal… du vol!
The task is impossible
The son of Anne de Regnes, Miss France 2001, had a bad life. Pas à Cause des foires à la saucisse or des ordres Women from Genevieve de Fontenay, no. Elodie’s problem, c’est la peur de l’avion. At 42 years old, he has not yet been able to arrange this. “I have a phobia of flying. There are two solutions: either take the medicine or drink it,” explains Purepeople. Alors, si vous la voyez tituber entre two steps, soyez Magnanimes.
What a miracle!
Oxygen masks are falling here, clothes are falling here… Kourtney Kardashian’s seas saw her on September 19, 2008, when her private jet crashed in South Carolina. Now it’s a question of how he can get back on the plane, from another who, in the future of her life, got off with her favorite music by Adam Goldstein. In August 2021 and despite post-traumatic stress, do not suffer, the battle of the Blink 182 group will accept the surmonter for the beautiful eyes of your son who does not travel on a private jet.
Ca “stream” of composure!
A Hunger Games-Like Private Jet Flight: While flying from Kentucky to New York, Jennifer Lawrence saw some of the most scenic views on her motorcycles, one after the other! They are urgently placed on the most suitable slope, without certainty of survival. “J’ai start a laisser des petits messages vocaux dans ma tete à ma famille, vous savez: “J’ai eu une belle vie, je suis désolée.” Finally, after a daring landing, all passengers are sorted. Mais, depuis, quand elle voit des ailes, elle prie!
performed by Léa Hasvri and Aurelie Decoin