“Meryl Streep got hurt on set for following the method”

Emily Blunt has revealed that on the set of The Devil Wears Prada, actress Meryl Streep suffered over her choice to use The Method as Miranda.

'The Devil Wears Prada' Emily Blunt: 'Meryl Streep got hurt on set for following the method'

Meryl Streepaccording to actress Emily Blunt, suffered greatly from immersion in the role of Miranda Priestley during the filming of the film The Devil Wears Prada.
The actress, speaking with Brian Cox during a meeting hosted by Variety, recalled that the character entrusted to the movie icon had consequences for her co-star.

Oscar-winning experience

Meryl Streep The Devil Wears Prada

The Devil Wears Prada: the image of Meryl Streep

Emily Blunt, recalling the filming of The Devil Wears Prada, explained:She’s amazing and a little scary in this movie. She said it was one of the first times she tried playing the method. But that made Miranda’s acting so bad for her.“.

The Devil Wears Prada, 10 Pieces of Timeless Comedy

Meryl Streep explained that it was very difficult and painful to leave other actors. The actress said:I was sad in my trailer. I heard them all walking and laughing. I was so depressed! I said, “That’s the price you pay to be the boss!” This was the last time I tried the method“.

Anne Hathaway, speaking of this experience, added: “I knew that everything he did to create that fear was to be appreciated because I knew he cared about me.“.

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