Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo? Mónica Huarte remembers what it was like to meet them: “He had perfect muscles”

The actress met the two athletes through a commercial for a bread brand
The actress met the two athletes through a commercial for a bread brand

Monica WattWho is currently promoting the film? female influencer (She is the protagonist), recalling that moment, thanks to the advertisement of a well-known brand Mexico People dedicated to bread production and distribution get to meet legendary athletes cristiano ronaldo and Lionel Messi.

She agrees with them, as she is also part of a promotional audio-visual production for a food company. The actress seemed so emotional when recalling that moment that she seemed about to cry, but she was not criticized or pointed out because she was facing two of the most important football players of our time. Sports history..

but Monica Watt He is not immune to the typical questions everyone who talks about the two strikers is asked. This has to do with your preferences. football Professionally speaking, who does Mónica Huarte prefer, if Lionel Messi OA cristiano ronaldoand this reaction resulted in “everything evening out” because he had previously been more flattering to one of them.

Mexican actress Monica Walter stars in the film "female influencer" This is considered a surprise for Mexican movies in 2023.EFE/Alonso Cupel
The film “Mrs. Influencer” starring Mexican actress Monica Walter is considered the surprise of Mexican cinema in 2023.EFE/Alonso Cupel

The Mexican actress responded by saying that she prefers a player’s game, talent and abilities on the pitch. Lionel MessiArgentinian players who have recently won titles world cup Fighting alongside his countrymen. However, she also praised Ronaldo’s personality and appearance.

in accordance with Monica WattPortuguese player cristiano ronaldo He is a happier person who lives more socially with everyone present and close to him, unlike Messi who describes him as a serious and introverted person, but that does not mean that he describes him as “not in a good mood” “.

Other details he revealed were phone calls CR7 He was a man who made an impression when he arrived at a place, she also said he had “perfect muscles” and that due to the perfection she saw in his appearance, he looked like a “CPU” people.

The Mexican actress remembers the moment she saw Cristian Oya Messi enter the recording location Image Credit: TikTok: Exa FM

cristiano ronaldo Cooler… everyone thinks so Messibut he is more introverted, and Cristiano Ronaldo is more social… Cristiano Ronaldo is the one who smells the best. When Cristiano Ronaldo enters your place, you will say “He is made by a computer”… Impossible, he is almost slow The moves come in, like this, the muscles are perfect, and he’s very tall and very handsome,” he explained. Monica Watt during an interview Exa FM.

What should be remembered is commercial The recording she made with two football players is not current, but takes place in 2022, when she participated in a promotional event for the most important bread brand in the country. Mexico.

Positively speaking, one of the consequences he experienced Monica Watt After shooting commercial cristiano ronaldo and Lionel Messi It was she who won over people, including children, who greeted her on the street or asked for photos; however, he stressed that he hoped that through his leadership female influencernow famous for this project.

Lionel Messi has won the eighth Ballon d'Or in his career as a footballer. EFE/Cristóbal Herrera
Lionel Messi has won the eighth Ballon d’Or in his career as a footballer. EFE/Cristóbal Herrera

However, he describes his experience with these two athletes as unique and unrepeatable, as they are two great icons who have already gone down in history for their talent, achievements and high abilities and performances when they started playing football. ball..

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