The video capsule aired on the Metro network in June. Promoted by the Chilean Society of Gastroenterology (SChGE), through its affiliate, the Chilean Association of Hepatology (ACHHEP), the event aims to educate the public about the prevention, diagnosis and timely treatment of liver disease.
To help reduce the incidence of liver disease in Chile, the Chilean Society of Gastroenterology (SChGE), through its affiliate, the Chilean Society of Hepatology (ACHHEP), has developed an educational campaign on the prevention of liver disease aimed at the Chilean population, with a focus on prevention and early diagnosis.
To this end, the Medical Society has produced a series of videos explaining the pathology of viral hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis and liver cancer. In July, an educational video about viral hepatitis aired on the San Diego Metro Network.
“Viral hepatitis is the equivalent of liver inflammation caused by certain viruses. The main causes of chronic inflammation are hepatitis B and C. Both can progress to cirrhosis and liver cancer, so encouragement by avoiding infections, using vaccines, and when available Detection of the disease in patients with risk factors is necessary for prevention because it may be asymptomatic, explained Dr. Gabriel Mezzano, president of ACHHEP.
The campaign will continue to feature additional educational videos and other actions aimed at educating people about the risks of fatty liver disease, alcoholism, cirrhosis and more.
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