Metropolitan of Bologna – 350ª Fira di Sdaz, from 8 to 10 September in Sasso Marconi.

Three days of tradition celebration with producers, artisans, workshops for adults and children, music, exhibitions, photography and drawing competitions.

From 8 to 10 September eighteenth century spaces Colle Ameno village He was born in Chiu Parkin Pontecchio, spend 350th edition from Fira from Sdaz.
A prestigious destination for an event that first began here in Pontecchio at the end of the seventeenth century, and then crossed the centuries to the present day, leaving a deep mark on the history of this region.

Once upon a time, going to Fira di Sdaz was an opportunity to sell your produce, buy livestock, stock up on harvesting tools, or simply meet and exchange ideas and news. Much has changed since then, Fira di Sdaz has partially lost its original social function and has gradually adapted to today’s lifestyle and to the new structures of the territory, but has kept intact the charm that takes us back to the past. , folk traditions and the peasant origin of our people. In this 350ª The Fair edition offers three days of celebration in the most authentic tradition, accompanying citizens and visitors on a journey through the sounds, colors and tastes of peasant culture.

The fair will open on Friday, September 8, presentation official edition of the 2023 exhibition prepared by the organizers, the Pontecchio Fair Association and the municipality of Sasso Marconi (19:00 – Decoration Room, Colle Ameno village). It will be at 20 o’clock Romantic dinner in the exclusive courtyard of Villa Davia, the historical noble residence of the village. An evocative place and an exquisite menu created by Antica Hostaria di Badolo, in honor of the 350th anniversary Fira from Sdaz on such a symbolic date as September 8, the day the Fair has always been held.

The fair continues on Saturday and Sunday with the classics. kiosksbenches farmers market, belonging food manufacturers and gods creative, to which is added a series of thematic events dedicated to the culture and agricultural traditions of our region. Chiu Park will hostagricultural area with tastings and events inspired by peasant life organized by the group Tractor SDAZ. Among the planned events, we note demonstrations preparing Parmigiano Reggiano Andrustic aperitif at the farm Saturday 9th and beyond tractor rally on Sunday, September 10: agricultural vehicles will parade along Porrettana, from the village of Fontana to Pontecchio, to then reach Kew Park and try their hand at plowing tests.

Chiu Park will also be the frame
and all
pentathlon lumberjack,
a competition in which, on Saturday and Sunday, lumberjacks affiliated to the Italian Lumberjacks Federation will compete in skills tests (chain change, combined felling and ax felling, felling and delimbing) valid for the Italian championship. Lumberjacks from Slovenia and Croatia will also take part, giving the competition an international dimension. The event will be combined with a thematic area dedicated to the forest world:
forest campus
created by Confragricultura and the Association of Timber Companies of Emilia-Romagna. Viewing space forestry equipment exhibited at the exhibition, attend demonstrations logging and see Artists “Chainsaws” at work, carving wooden sculptures with a chainsaw.

There Fira from Sdaz the ideal context for conversations about biodiversity is confirmed by meetings dedicated tobeekeeping (Friday 18.30), etc. Biological region of the Bolognese Apennines (Saturday, 17:00), but also to present the editorial initiatives of local associations active in the cultural field. In the days of the Fair, the publication “
Sasso and surroundings,
under the editorship of the Philatelic Circle of G. Marconi (this is a special issue dedicated to Giuseppe Dall’Olio, who for many years was the soul and driving force of the Sasese Circle), and the magazine Al Sas history nature culture No. 47 research group “Progetto 10 Righe”, an association that also oversaw exhibition dedicated to the paper mills of Maglio and Brodano: a retrospective that, through images and historical documents, traces the history of an important industrial reality in the area. The exhibition is located in the Scenery Hall and can be visited during the days of the fair.
The G. Marconi Twin Cities Association offers Multilingual Cafe and oversaw the reception of Englishmen from the sister municipality of Helston present at the fair with typical Cornish handicrafts, while Slow Food Lavino Samoja organizes a series of events dedicated to the culinary arts: presentation recipes with star chef Aurora Mazzucchelli and Alex Soprani from Antica Hostaria di Badolo, tastings From
AND distillatesa baking master class on making sourdough bread, presentation of the book “Food of Memory” and readings from “The Butcher’s Tales” by Tonino Nobili.

craft workshops Colle Ameno, where exhibitions are held during the three days of the fair, open studio, workshopsanimated stories for children and series laboratories for adults and children (painting, sewing, plant creation, art and theater therapy) by reservation at infoSASSO.
Special mention of scratch it
Sunday 10: Event organized by Piccola Bottega degli Intrecci includingtextile art installation showing aprons and collective sewing workshop.

Several moments of the show planned musical entertainment ranging from traditional music from Wanderers to folk dancesFurlan Association, from the performance of the students of the music school G. Torelli di Sasso Marconi to the musical evenings planned in Kew to the proposals – DJ sets and concerts live – Osteria di Colle Ameno and the itinerant performance of the duet Chuma (violin) Adele (organetto).

Numerous food points located along the route: in Colle Ameno.
street eatery
(kebabs, borlengi, mountain desserts, pancakes), snacks,
tastings guilt AND house beer AndTavern WITH’
Hamburger trade fairs
and in Chiu Park you can relax in Cafe About Loco Sasso Marconi, try it crescent Antico Mondo Contadino and Offers restaurant managed by the associations Parco del Chiù and Fiera di Pontecchio.

The 2023 edition also includes a rich program excursions AND excursions, including trekking “Panoramas and Traditions of the Reno Valley” (an excursion suitable for everyone around the Fair, with a stop at the Palazzo de Rossi) and a visit to the natural oasis of San Gherardo and the village of Colle Ameno. There are also guided tours designed especially for the little ones, which include a visit Small museum of fairy tales and storiesexhibition space dedicated to the world of traditional fairy tales and stories for children, created until October 15 in the halls of Villa Davia and open to visitors throughout the weekend of the fair.

Among the many entertainments for the little ones, there are reading under the centuries-old yews of Villa Davia edited by the Municipal Library, I laboratories painting and creative ecology of the workshops of Colle Ameno, an activity carried out by Pro Loco Sasso Marconi (reading With creative cooking classes), le attractions the Pollys brothers and
“Wireless Words”
, puppet show and paper theater inspired by the life of Guglielmo Marconi.

On Fira from Sdaz there is a place for sports:playground with activities proposed by local associations (archery, football, shiatsu etc.), and on Saturday (18:30) the award ceremony for the most deserving athletes Sasso Marconi will take place at the fair.

Finally, for the 350th Fair, the organizers established two competitions with prizes:temporary picture “Impressions of September” and Photo contest “The Purpose of the Fair: Places and Trails of Tradition”.
The two competitions are open to all lovers of painting and photography with prizes for the first three winners (100, 70 and 50 euro vouchers that can be used to purchase typical products and local handicrafts). Information and regulations of the two competitions on the website of the municipality of Sasso Marconi.

Details of the meetings can be found in the program available at and at
FB page Fira from Sdaz

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