Mexican playwright Itzel Lara opens contemporary drama series in Paris

On Thursday, October 19, a series dedicated to contemporary plays written in Spanish kicked off at the Institute of Mexican Culture in Paris, with a reading of the play I Still Don’t Remember by Mexican playwright Itzel Lara Your Face,” the play has just been translated by a French publisher, Actualités Edition.

playwright and screenwriter, Itzel Lara She was born in 1980 in Mexico City and lives there. She holds a degree in communications from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and was a recipient of the FLM Screenwriting Scholarship and the FONCA Young Creators Scholarship in the same region.

He received the IMCINE Film Creator Support (2010) for his screenplay “Distancias Cortas”, published in 2012 with IMCINE and editor Buena Tinta. Nominated for the 2016 Crystal Screen Award for Best Screenplay and the 2017 Ariel Award for Best Original Screenplay

The playwright was invited to participate in the famous French international arts festival “La Mousson d’été” and translated the work “Anatomy of Gastritis” together with playwrights from Russia, Cuba and Greece. In March 2013, the playwright was invited to participate in the Royal Court Seminar in London (3rd edition, Mexico) and in March 2013 to participate in the International Resident Seminar at the same institution in London.

He has published eight books and has appeared in El Milagro Editorial; Church Texts, Second Generation; in the magazines Tierra Adentro, Buena ink and Este País. As a television writer, he has worked for Sony, Canal Once, Televisa, Disney Latino, Tv Azteca, Canal 22 and Netflix, creating fiction programs, series, documentaries, capsules and news programs for children, among others.

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