Mia Khalifa receives another review: Pornhub blocks her recordings and sends them directly to Israel

Mia Khalifa continue in the center of the hurricane where it is exact porn if he spoke in favor Palestine in the conflict who currently lives there Franja de Gaza.

It was announced last week Playboy completed work on the contract influential persons, Yes now Khalifa is experiencing a new revolution as the adult film platform, Pornhubfreeze the jaws which ones will be designed to accommodate you Israel This is in military conflict.

Pornhub freezes Mia Khalifa’s records

PornHub I froze the records of a porn actress Mia Khalifa and he will donate them to Israel thanks to his support Hamas“, he wrote the platform “MSNBK”.

Feras Antun, former CEO of MindGeek de Canadacompany owning Pornhubif pronounced respectfully.

PornHubas a Canadian company, showed the world one thing: not only states can surrender to the Arabs and give them to the Jews.”, he assured. Last week, Mia Khalifa he stated this KKRVwho supply weapons Hamas This is the only advantage Ukraine.

Playboy also despised Mia Khalifa

Playboy above declarations Mia Khalifa: “We are writing to inform you that this is our decision regarding the contract Mia Khalifa, which includes viewing the channels of our platforms. Last few days, My here are grotesque and oppressive comments glorifying attacks Hamas ru Israel and asesinato of innocent people. En Playboy Let us encourage freedom of expression and constructive political debate, but let us be tolerant and avoid inciting hatred.”

There actress of Lebanese origin no, this is azhena azhena in polemics. Early in his career in the industry cinema for adultsstarred in a scene using hijab, which led to part of his family coming out publicly. In addition, he received amenazas de muerte for the part Islamic State.

Mia Khalifa Comenso on Carrera Como porn actress ru year 2014accept an offer from a client who visited the express delivery point where he works.

After converting to one of them porn actresses The most popular people in the world have decided to retire. He subsequently worked as a paralegal and accountant, devoting himself to his activities as influencers sports commentator.

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