Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant are two of the greatest players in NBA history

Over the years, Michael Jordan has been considered by many to be the greatest NBA player, and there really isn’t much debate about that. But over the past few years, LeBron James has been encroaching on the field, and more and more people believe that James is the greatest basketball player of all time.

One all-time great who is forgotten or even disrespected in this debate is the late Los Angeles Lakers legend Kobe Bryant. Although his legend seems to have grown in recent years, many don’t seem to rank him among the five greatest players of all time.

But fellow Hall of Famer and contemporary Allen Iverson said he was the second-greatest player in NBA history, behind Jordan. Iverson said to Rachel Nichols while recalling an experience during their rookie seasons when Kobe trashed his hotel room after a poor performance in a game against him.

Bryant helped the Lakers win five world championships in 20 seasons in the league, all of which were won with the Purple and Gold. He still ranks fourth in career points and first among full-time guards.

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