Michelle Renaud shares nude photos and posts against beauty standards | News from Mexico

Michelle Renaud shares nude photos and posts against beauty standards | News from Mexico | Unbiased

Michel Renault’s post has garnered over 30,000 likes so far.

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mexico city. – Michel Reynolds He uses social networking to deliver messages to women about self-love and beauty standards.

The actress shared some photos of her without clothes on and emphasized loving her body for what it is, emphasizing the need to stop those who seek a perfect aesthetic.

“Freedom comes from total acceptance of who you are. I hope you join me in saying enough is enough…the day comes when you no longer want to live up to unattainable standards of beauty, stop doing things to please others, you don’t want to look like Anybody, you can recognize that your beauty and perfection is…you look in the mirror and only see how beautiful you are and just like that, that day, you will make yourself feel safe and you will conquer the world.

A confident woman is very attractive…just like that…naturally. Let’s be generous with ourselves. “

so far, renault The post has garnered more than 30,000 likes, as well as various comments supporting acceptance of the body and admiration for its size.

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