Miguel Bosse finally opens up about the health issues that caused him to lose his voice

Miguel Boss In 2020, he was surprised when he did not speak out during an interview with Jordi Évole.Since then, the singer explained “My voice came and went and now I can talk but I have no voice anymore”. Now, he’s revealed the cause of the problem that’s holding him back from his career.

During this time, he explained that he had been misdiagnosed with chronic sinusitis. “The problem was a tooth, and when I had a bad tooth implant, over time it turned into an infection that infected my whole face and got into my gut, everything! They removed the tooth and the next day my voice came back. 8 years later“, he says in “El homirguero”.

They told me it was agitation, it was lung disease, it was reflux, I tried everything I traveled around the world visiting the best doctors in Milan, London, Madrid, Mexico, New York… Eight years of travel filled my soul with great pain because I had lost this tool. I’m already praying to God that if I can’t sing, I can’t sing, but that He will give me my voice back so that my children can know the timbre of their dad’s voice so that I can communicate, “He said.

Miguel Bosse: “I ‘eat’ my voice

The singer has now explained He is undergoing treatment and will be able to have his voice again. “Now every morning I train my back and then go to see a speech therapist. The event is finally back.I plan to return to recording and singing“.

Plus, while we’ve seen him on TV in Spain and Mexico, he’s finally able to return to his favorite place. “The speech therapist told me I had ‘swallowed’ my voice over the years, I had to put it back in its original position to fully regain my abilities. They gave me a year to recover for my back and voice Next year, September or October, I start touring“.

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