Mike Tindall: «My new friend Tom Holland». Video

When it is said that the values ​​of the sport are the values ​​everyone has been able to agree… A new, unexpected couple was born at the last Formula 1 Grand Prix in Monaco: Mike Tindall And tom holland,

friends mike and tom

The 44-year-old former rugby player, a member of the British royal family, was in Monte Carlo with his wife zara phillips, 42, to watch the race. As always, the streets of the city were packed with stars for this event too and the 27-year-old actor was one of them. “It was a crazy weekend: started on Friday and ended with Tom Holland back on the plane on Monday morning,” Tindall said in the latest episode of his podcast dedicated to rugby.

Even F1 fans adore Tom Holland

“Tom’s a huge rugby fan”, Tindall told two co-hosts Alex Payne and James Haskell, “we had a wonderful chat. He’s just a nice person, and he manages to make the best of everything.” More than positive judgment, confirmed by Formula 1 fans who knew him better Spider Man Marvel’s. The actor – like other celebrities before him – had the honor of raising the iconic checkered flag to signal the end of the race and uploaded a video to the social network. “What energy, Tom: you can tell you’re a sports enthusiast!” Users commented.

stars in the grand prix

As in every year, a diverse array of stars gathered to browse the team pits and take part in a motoring Grand Prix’s finest appointment. In addition to the royal couple of Phillips-Tindall and Tom Holland, there was also Paris Saint-Germain footballer Neymar, actor David Harbor (Hopper) stranger things) and Orlando Bloom, Michael Douglas And Catherine Zeta Jones, Crowd gathered in the VIP area!

Dj Zara Phillips

The Monaco weekend is also famous for the parties that accompany the three days of competition. In one of these, Zara Phillips, daughter of Princess Anna, demonstrated a certain skill as a DJ, confirming that she, along with her husband, is one of the best members of the royal family. Mike Tindall, To that, the co-hosts asked whether, looking at the new acquaintance tom holland, considers himself a close friend of the actor. “Well… probably yes”, she replied, as irreverent as ever, “when you want Tom, call me!”.

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