Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher apologize after scandal over letters from Danny Masterson, the actor accused of rape

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Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher publicly apologized on social media. They found themselves in a storm of controversy over the support given to the actor. Danny Mastersonsentenced to 30 years in prison for sexual assault.

Netizens criticized the two actors who, through their official Instagram profiles, posted a video over the past few hours explaining and apologizing for what they did. They wrote letters in favor of their colleague It’s That ’70s Show before the judge handed down the sentence.

Let’s find out together what the two actors said in the apology video. They responded to a barrage of criticism and controversy from users online.

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher apologize, video

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis apologize after being blindsided by public and media opinion over letters written in favor of Danny Masterson, the main character It’s That ’70s Show.

Danny Masterson was sentenced on September 7 to thirty years in prison for two sexual assaults. The letters, written by Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis, attempted to give the judge a different perspective on the accused actor’s life, arguing that the actor was a role model.

This act did not go unnoticed in the eyes of the public, who immediately challenged the actions and letters of Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis.

They addressed the issue in an Instagram video in which they apologized for what they had said earlier. At the same time, they claim that they will always be on the side of the victims.

The two said:

“We know the pain the letters we wrote for Danny Masterson. We support the victims. We have always done this in our work and will continue to do so.”

They also add that the letters

“They were intended to be read by a judge and were not intended to undermine the victims’ testimony or in any way re-traumatize them.”

Two people talking to each other realizing the pain caused by the letters what they wrote. They explain it it was the Masterson family to the point that he asked them to write letters about the person the actor showed himself to be with them over the twenty years of acquaintance.

Finally, there are two in the video they apologize again. They do this because of everything that happened and because they could have caused more pain to the victims of abuse.

Below is a video of the couple:

We don’t see any uproar from users in the comments this time, as both actors have apparently decided to disable the feature that allows followers to comment on videos. Most likely, their intention is to silence what happened and finally end the controversy over their intervention on Masterson’s behalf.

What was written in the letters between Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher?

In letters, Ashton Kutcher writes:

“In 25 years of communication, I never remember him lying to me. It taught me to be direct and face the problems of life and relationships, solve them and move forward. Danny is the person who is always there when you need him. (…)”

It still says:

“Despite the fact that it was known that the verdict had been passed two counts of rape by force and that the victims have a great desire for justice, I hope that my testimony about his character will be taken into account in sentencing. (…)

I don’t think it’s a permanent harm to society. and for his daughter to grow up without a father would be a tertiary injustice in itself.”

Find out what Danny Masterson, the actor sentenced to 30 years in prison for rape, did. Find out here the first details that appeared in June last year.

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