Milan; Pioli, Turin can embarrass everyone

(ANSA) – MILAN, AUGUST 25 – Turin? They combine organization and fitness, as well as quality players. This is the team on the left side of the standings, this is the team that can put everyone in a difficult position. We are fine, we are in the second round and we want to persevere, we want to overcome difficulties with the right decisions, especially when it comes to returning the ball, which can be dangerous.” This was announced at a press conference on Saturday by Milan head coach Stefano Pioli. on the eve of the match with Turin. Tomorrow we will face a team that has won four of their last four away matches. We know the difficulties, we know how we want to play, there is a lot of positive here. It will be important to move well off the ball, Torino are used to aggressive and very individual markings. The timing of movements must be well read, and we have the necessary characteristics for this. We conceded too much against Bologna, we need to read more in the defensive phase” (ANSA).

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