Millionaire’s tips for saving money on parking are shaking up the web

Many users recognize the difficulties they encounter when parking in car parks in Spanish cities. We’re talking about parking in general that’s not cheap at all and takes a bigger toll on our wallets than we might expect.

Of course, sometimes there are tricks that grab a lot of attention, like that of a young millionaire “tiktoker” named Luke Desmaris, who will no doubt surprise us.

Sometimes we have no choice but to park in a city parking lot, even if we don’t feel like it at all. But what the young millionaire does with his BMW M4, Range Rover Sport or Mercedes C 63 AMG is anything but easy.

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Young millionaire’s secrets to saving money on parking

Luke was clear about this and what he wanted to avoid was paying a parking ticket while traveling in central London. He lives on the outskirts of the capital, London.

A trick This has caused some controversy in the virtual world, to say the least. Especially in the realm of TikTok, where the young millionaire from Bahrain is always posting content.

To be clear, Luke Desmaris lives in Chelmsford (Essex) and is dedicated to investing, with a particular focus on cryptocurrencies and trading.

Background image of several parked cars and another image of a person's hands behind the steering wheel of a car

| Nedenapa Jaruk Zalak

Luke is known for the huge amount of money he earns from his work. As a result, he owned three luxury cars and drove them around the city day in and day out.

Millionaire ‘tiktoker’ Luke Desmaris prefers to pay parking tickets

There is no doubt that Luke loves nothing more than showing off his money, especially a car he bought with his career earnings.

When parking, trick The purpose of this millionaire is to do this anywhere, even if they can put a liquidated damages Park your car outside the correct location.

In Big Ben, the parking fee is about 10 euros per hour. liquidated damages This will cost you £65.The truth is, if you have to leave your car all day, it’s worth paying the fee liquidated damages Instead of paying the cost of a parking ticket.

While “poor people think it’s paying a fine,” he sees it as “VIP parking.” The millionaire’s rescue idea caused an uproar on social networks.

Many people were kind to him and praised the young man’s ideas. But others accused her of having a dubious attitude, accusing her of mocking everyone who couldn’t pay. liquidated damages every day.

Luke said: “I didn’t do anything wrong”

Of course, what Luke did was justified, and he admitted that he had to pay 8,000 euros a month in such fines. Of course, this fact didn’t seem to matter to him.

Cryptocurrency and trading experts assure that acting in this way will assistance Save time and especially money when you go to work.

He confirmed that he had “done nothing wrong” in his usual practice, although he made it clear that he did not want to get in the way of others at any time driver When you park your car in the wrong place.Now that the controversy is over, we’ll see if Luke Desmaris continues this very irregular practice or if he still cares very little about what they have to say

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