Ministry of Health stated

China’s Ministry of Health announced on Sunday that a recent increase in respiratory illnesses across China has drawn the attention of the World Health Organization (WHO) and is primarily attributed to influenza and other known pathogens, rather than new viruses.

They are convinced that the current increase in respiratory infections is the result of an overlap in common viruses.

A spokesman for the National Health Commission said these viruses include influenza virus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus and bacteria such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae, which are often associated with respiratory infections.

In light of an increase in respiratory illnesses in the country’s first full winter after COVID-19 restrictions, the Ministry of Health directed local governments to strengthen care for children and the elderly and promote vaccinations.

Mi Feng, spokesperson of the Ministry of Health, said that it is necessary to increase the opening of relevant clinics and treatment areas, extend service hours, and increase the supply of medicines.

Ministry of Health assurance on respiratory diseases in China

Mi Feng also advocates the use of masks and emphasizes the importance of disease prevention in high-density areas such as schools and nursing homes.

Last week, the World Health Organization asked China to provide information on an increase in respiratory illnesses and pneumonia among children, a point highlighted by multiple media platforms and the Global Infectious Disease Surveillance Service.

In the past, unidentified clusters of respiratory illnesses have suggested the emergence of new flu variants or other pandemic-prone viruses. Both SARS and COVID-19 were initially identified as unusual forms of pneumonia.

China has previously linked escalations in respiratory illnesses to easing coronavirus restrictions, a pattern that has been seen in other countries following pandemic measures.

Chinese health officials shared the requested data at a meeting last Thursday, according to the World Health Organization. Details show there has been an increase in the number of children admitted to hospital since October with illnesses including bacterial infections, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza and common cold viruses.

However, Chinese authorities insist that the influx of patients is not overwhelming the country’s health system, as the World Health Organization claims. The U.N. health agency rarely publicly asks countries for more comprehensive data because the requests are usually internal.

Reports from China suggest the outbreak has overwhelmed some hospitals in the country’s north, including in Beijing. Health authorities advise people to bring children with mild symptoms to clinics and other centres.

The World Health Organization mentioned that current information is insufficient to accurately assess the risk of these reported cases of respiratory illness in children.

Both Chinese authorities and the World Health Organization have been criticized in the past for providing opaque preliminary information about the COVID-19 pandemic that emerged in Wuhan, central China, in December 2019.

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