Miriam Leone New Belly Pics: Boom

Miriam Leone announced Vanity Fair August 1, 2023 will be pregnant and make sure it pregnancy came at the right time without feeling ready in the past for such an important step. Thus, the actress fully enjoys these moments under the sun of her native Sicily and is very happy.

Sunday, August 27, 2023, ex Miss Italy published a series of pictures on his social network profile, from which you can see how he baby bump is growing rapidly (the last pictures are dated August 15): in one photo we see her with a towel on her head, in another in a bathing suit and in the last when she is about to eat bread and butter.

Choice hashtags companions that show how much serenity she lives this moment, namely #blessed (blessed), #simplicity (simplicity) and #accusì, a Sicilian expression that she almost always uses in her posts.

a lot i Great job who arrived, as in other cases, but this time there are those who tried assume what could be gender of the child Soon since she hasn’t mentioned it yet. Users attempted to do so based on the shape of their abdomen as reported by the older woman. folk tradition: if it is pointed or low, the unborn child will be a boy, and if it is higher or more spread in the central part of the abdomen, then it will be a girl. In reality, however, this theory has often been debunked.

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