Mirtha Legrand on upcoming presidential election: ‘I know who I won’t vote for’

Mirtha Legrand answers Luis Novaresio’s tough questions about the next presidential election (Video: YouTube)

When I was 96 years old, every Saturday night, Mirtha Legrand He is the most famous presenter on Argentine television. Mirtha Night – Previously on Noon – became one of the must-see shows on the small screen. Broadcasting for over 50 years, little girl Achievement upgrade Decades passed until she became the country’s great heroine.

Last Saturday, a week after the Argentine Republic holds its next presidential primaries, Mirta spoke about the election ahead of the runoff on Sunday, November 19.and Luis Novaresio As a guest, Chiqui answered reporters’ questions about Argentine politics. “Who did you vote for?””, he asked his grandmother unfiltered. Juana Viale. She answered with her characteristic speed and the laughter of those present: “I won’t tell you”.

Then, he added: “I want to tell you, I am old enough to vote, but I will always, always vote.” Suddenly, everyone in the live broadcast room applauded the host, and the host was proud that he could Take pride in fulfilling your civic duty. Novaresio then doubled down, saying, “Don’t tell me who you’re going to vote for, but tell me if you’ve decided who you’re going to vote for.” Mirtha’s response was powerful. “Yes, yes,” she said confidently, without naming the candidate. “I know exactly who I’m not going to vote for.“He continued.

Remarkably, this driver was a great defender of the right to vote, a right she insisted on despite being exempt from doing so because she was over 70. This was how he appeared at his allotted spot just a few minutes after noon last Sunday. Chiquita came to her school in the Buenos Aires municipality’s neighborhood of Palermo, dressed up for the event because, as she usually says, for her, “Election Day is a holiday.”

Mirtha Legrand and her Saturday guests (X: @AngeldebritoOk)

It’s no secret that the diva leaves no detail behind when it comes to her personal productions. In this case, she chose a light blue ensemble consisting of a knee-length skirt and a jacket in the same pastel hue. It was also made with a silk scarf that matched the color of her outfit, perhaps to protect her throat from temperature changes since she had just come down with bronchitis.

As far as he knows TV show A strong person who is close to the heroine, little girl I’ve been suffering from bronchitis since last week.a Before recording your first show. Accompanied by her personal physician Dr. Guillermo Semeniuk, Famous driver evolves smoothly Even though Mirtha had a bit of a speech impediment during her first live broadcast with guests such as Fatima Flores and Javier Millay, she was happy to be back at work.

That day, Mirtha stood up to say hello and then sat down to chat with the couple. Amid the applause of the audience, she said excitedly: “We are about to start a legendary Saturday. Because I am already a legend. And the legend continues.” At that moment, the second applause sounded, and the screen Viewers on the other side are eagerly waiting, as evidenced by the Kantar/Ibope ratings score of 8.6 in the first few minutes of the cycle. ..

Mirtha Legrand goes to vote in Argentina’s primaries (Ramiro Suoto)

Chiquita wasted no time in revealing with characteristic sincerity that she once thought she would not return to television, but people’s love for her made her change her mind. “I am committed to going to the theater in the evenings. “I want to thank the audience for applauding me, for the love they have shown me, for the love they have shown me, for the wonderful audiences I have conquered over the years I have worked with, They tell me great things,” she said excitedly.

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