Mishima broadcasts Mia Khalifa video

Mishima publiban Aigua Clara last year I crossed my own saddle, The rest is silence. Dedicated as the country’s great rock band, David Karaben (voice and guitar), Mark Lloret (teclados), Dani Vega (guitar), Javi Caparros (bajo)y Alphonse Serra (batería) they reach fullness in an album that later defines it as a song of life that does not share the gaze in front of its abyss.

Now show the first video clip of the album. Following the trend of “Mind the Spring”, one of the highest aesthetic points in their career, the group from Barcelona followed the direction Arthur Cake, who recently won the Cesar Award for Best Photography for Pacificion (Albert Serra, 2022). Given all this backstory, it’s no surprise that the video’s main characters appear again. David Karaben th Flora Saura. Before Cake’s eyes, the song “Mia Khalifa” turns into a first-class audiovisual work.

Filmed in the nighttime and surprisingly deserted Venice, “Mia Khalifa” goes beyond the typical music video language and serves as a counterpoint to the song, which, through the famous Lebanese-born actress, illustrates the extraneous triangle formed by lies. love and death.

Enjoy the video of Mishima’s “Mia Khalifa”

Mishima’s next concerts

15/12 VIC (L’Atlàntida) – Entradas
16/12 TARRAGONA (Zero Hall) – Entrances
December 22 BARCELONA (Apolo Hall) – entrances
28/12 VALENCIA (Loco Club) – Entradas
29/12 SOL GIRONA (La Mirona) – Entradas
30/12 LLEIDA (Cafe del Teatro) – Entradas

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