Miss Americana, the story of Taylor Swift’s path to success

Lana Wilson he directs the work he performs with the same hands Taylor Swiftstages of a singer’s career. Miss Americana this is a documentary Netflix released in January 2020 and presented at Sundance Film Festival 2020. From the folk beginnings we move to the turning point of pop music; from his latest songwriting efforts to his legal battles and personal life.

Taylor Swift: General overview

Taylor Swift he always maintained a kind of secret door behind his public persona. It was surprising to hear that he finally decided to go where so many of his peers did (Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber) have already left. So she decided to become the central character of the documentary.

In fact, the singer of a thousand shades has no equal competitors. At 34 years old, she is one of the most critically and commercially successful artists of all time. He’s a rare star Main thread who writes his own songs and releases albums of unattainable hits.

Miss Americana It’s not just about telling it all, but about so much more.

Personal story at the center

The action of the feature film takes place between the beginnings Fast from adolescence in Pennsylvania to global pop ascension.

There is footage of him at sold-out performances, award ceremonies and trips on private jets. There is a famous moment with Kanye West To MTV Video Music Awards 2009. This is both the love of cats and the reputation of a good girl, which was both a cross and a joy for the blonde artist.

Lana Wilsoncurrently best known for his 2013 abortion documentary. After Tiller.

The singer-songwriter has spent most of her life in the spotlight, realizing that she doesn’t have to worry about making everyone happy. The director managed to show the real Taylor, giving us a portrait of her that is lively, emotional, intimate and extremely honest.

Although the musician certainly had a say in the final version, she let herself get away with something painfully human to say to herself. We find her funny, charming, thoughtful, loyal.

Here you are Fast at home, in overalls and with a casual ponytail, working hard in the studio on his album Beloved (2019). Then there’s the singer-songwriter who makes a bowl of pasta for her best friend or puts ice cubes in her wine. Everything feels intimate and glamorous.

The film director’s view is competently calibrated through the history of the glory of a world star in the modern world.

Miss Americana: First part

Taylor Swift she sits in front of the window, throwing into the air the diaries of her childhood, pages full of ambitions and dreams. This is how it starts Miss Americanathrowing away the papers means giving up her childish ways and realizing that she is more than a good girl.

The documentary begins with the singer-songwriter receiving news that her album has gone missing. Reputation (2017) by nominations Grammy. She seems exhausted, although she repeats that everything is fine, her voice trembles, and her story begins from here.

The singer began her path to success at the age of 14 and already received recognition at such a young age. The narrative then stops at 2009. Fast received an award for best female video, Kanye West runs on stage to announce that Beyoncé he should have won. This fact leaves the girl stunned, because until that moment it had never occurred to her that there was someone who might not like her.

From her teens to her 20s, the singer-songwriter’s whole mantra is that she has to be liked. Everything she did was to make others happy, hoping that that happiness would return to her.

The intimate nature of the film shows how surreal the artist’s world can be. There are fans who have camped in front of her house, critics who have seriously insulted her on Fox News Channel. There is an episode West which continues to remain a menacing shadow.

It is impossible not to communicate with her, despite the fact that she is a rich world star. However, the second part allows you to empathize with the main character, where real problems are revealed that touch on common and important chords.

Miss Americana: Second part

What does it bring Miss Americana Besides a series of fascinating anecdotes, there are also revelations that make up much of the second half.

In particular, it talks about the dramatic recognition of an eating disorder that was still unknown to the public. According to the singer, during a difficult moment she took a photo in which she was marked as “too fat” and ended up eating little or nothing at all.

Sexual assault by a DJ is also addressed. David Muller. There were witnesses and photographs, but he continued to accuse the singer of lying when reporting her. The girl then won the case.

The story of the persecution and subsequent events becomes a kind of catalyst. The fact that she was believed before a real trial convinces her that she has real power. He realizes that he knows how to not only entertain, but also create change. As a result, he decides to open up to his political ideas.

With a past country musician Taylor Swift the idea was instilled to never talk about politics. He decides to say enough when he sees a candidate from his home state of Tennessee. Blackburn. The latter, an ultra-conservative with misogynistic ideas, disgusts her to the point that he publicly supports his democratic opponent. This is a move that causes the musician’s team to not support her. In tears, the artist takes a position. Despite the Republican victory, she says she is now determined to speak out and stop people from voting. Trump in the upcoming American elections.

Watching a young woman try to convince a room full of middle-aged men to declare their voting preferences isn’t career-ending—in fact, it’s exhilarating but depressing at the same time.

Watching the majority disapprove of a singer-songwriter feels like a major triumph. Even when she is told that a presidential candidate will attack her, she immediately responds that she does not care.

The point of the entire documentary

Towards the end of the documentary, there is a very animated monologue about the impossible standards of female celebrities. This part contains the meaning of all 90 minutes of the film and perhaps also 15 or more years of controversy against it.

It becomes interesting for the viewer to see how the singer explains why she puts chips in her mouth. Burrito while she’s in the rehearsal room, it’s interesting to listen to her discuss the Tennessee Senate race. And it’s not just that the musician has passionate dialectics and direct wit. It would have been nice to know more about this girl earlier.

Perhaps this is the point of the film: Taylor Swift she was always there, but it took her about 30 years to get to where she is now because she finally found a way to love herself.


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