Miss Roccafluvion, Marika Giantomasi won first place

Roccafluvione – Twenty-one-year-old Marica Giantomasi from Castignano won the title of Miss Roccafluvione at the end of the Miss Italy selection held in Piazza Aldo Moro in the town of Ascoli, known for its excellent production of truffles. Management Engineering student Marica was honored by Francesco Leoni, Mayor of Roccafluvione, City Councilor Maria Adele Valentini, Domenico Trivelli of Trivelli Tartufi Company and Adele Di Marsico of Di Marsico jewelry store in Ascoli Piceno. Winner of Miluna Jewel, sponsor of the contest over the years. Livia Zanardi, 20, from Montegiorgio came second, winning the title of Miss Rochetta Beauty, while Elena Cudini, 25, from Monte San Giusto came third, winning the title of Miss Framsey, the new national sponsor of the pageant. Italy. Elena was felicitated by Cristian Zega, representing the sponsor Fremsey, who attended the evening with Salon Caprice di Donna of Offida and Style Donna of Roccafluvione, who took care of Mrs. Other prize-winning Misses included 19-year-old Ylenia Albergatore from Piane di Montegiorgio, 21-year-old Carolina Hernandez from San Benedetto del Tronto and 22-year-old Ariana Porcarelli from Montemarciano. The evening was enlivened by the amazing sounds of Altidona singer Emanuela Revizzo (the video for her latest single titled “Atlantis” will be released on Thursday) and some artistic performances by Mrs. As a tribute to the contestants, Framsey professional hair products, a gadget from Miss Italia’s sponsor Rochetta, and hats from the famous Marchese brand Carlo Forti from Montappone were donated. Girls wishing to register for the next Miss Italia selection in the Marche and Abruzzo regions must connect to the website and follow the instructions. They will then be contacted by Pie Agency, the exclusive agent for the Miss Italia brand for the Marche and Abruzzo regions.

Copyright © 2022 Riviera Oggy, reproduction protected.

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