Model works in Mexico, returns to Argentina and loses memory Grupo Milenio

The model carolina victoria benassi He went to work in Mexico and returned to his native Argentina a few months later, but lost memory. What happened to him? Let’s tell you this story.

“I’m just grateful that this happened to me and it makes me appreciate things more, especially my family,” Carolina said in an interview. horn.

The 27-year-old model tells her story four years after it all started. She mentioned that she had always loved modeling but found it difficult to find work in this field in Argentina.

“In December 2018, I went abroad with two friends to live, model, and do publicity.” After working in Mexico for six months, he decided to take a vacation in July 2019. Return to your country and visit your family.

The young woman arrived in July 2019, then 23 years old, He never returned to Mexico.; Unexpectedly, day after day, I would forget everything.

“I spent a whole month – the whole of July – with the people I love, and two days before I came back, I I’m starting to feel really bad. “I was very stressed, partly because of the long hours I worked in Mexico, which gave me terrible headaches,” Benassi clarified.

That month, the model was Diagnosed as sinusitis and received treatment. However, something started to happen that indicated something was wrong.

“A few days later, my mom walked into my room and saw me shining my phone on the wall and didn’t recognize her,” Carolina explained.

Her mother thought the young woman was under the influence of some kind of drug, but they soon discovered that wasn’t the source of the strangeness. Behavior.

“They took me to the clinic and discovered I had severe inflammation in my brain. I was lucky they acted quickly and gave me acyclovir to reduce the inflammation in the area, otherwise I might have died,” he said.

she suffered magnetic resonance It was revealed that he had herpes on his brain; Virus carriers cause swelling.This caused the impact on hippocampusArgentinian media details the brain structures responsible for storing memories.

Experts are surprised because His father’s memory intactBut others became a stranger to her.

“I only recognize the feelings of some people, although not their memories, like my mother’s,” the model said.

After several weeks, the young woman’s condition showed no improvement and she was still suffering. aggressive incident Due to not fully understanding the surrounding environment. Doctors recommended that she be admitted to a mental hospital, but her mother would not allow it.

Carolina struggles to succeed. “over time I made progress and they discharged me. There is a condition for this, and that is that there is supervision 24 hours a day. “My mother has always been my biggest help, she is my comfort.”

“I had to do everything, cognitive therapy, psychopedagogy, psychology and psychiatry to exercise my brain and it helped me a lot. Even my mother would put posters on the walls of my house so that she could Identify where things are,” explains the model. To horn.

Currently, Carolina is in recovery and looking to enter the entertainment industry to resume her old life. Casting for a reality showwhere he hopes to tell his story and advance his career.

“I’m grateful for what happened to me because I learned to value my family and the people around me more and see things differently. I’m back to the Carlo I was before, but much better.”

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