Dance Cà vous On Tuesday, October 3, Patrick Cohen put on a pinso, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine gave her a small takle and invited Adele Exarchopoulos to take part directly in this moment of sailing.
Patrick Cohen’s return didn’t end the same way. In what is urgently needed to enliven the morning of France Info, the project has finally been announced by the management of Radio France. This decision sets the stage for the radical decision to leave the public radio group. In a statement published earlier by Le Monde magazine, the explanation is as follows: “I decided to start a full-fledged collaboration with Radio France. I just want to join a company that doesn’t have a particular direction.”
Patrick Cohen wanted to know his complementarity and complicity in his relationship with Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine.
Although they left radio, Patrick Cohen returned to television upon his return. The double season will debut on September 4. Cà vous, where the continuation of s’épanouir. Télé Star’s explanation that France 5 magazine has become fil des ans and that its role has increased. The story was edited, and here he is given greater freedom in choosing clothes and style. Previous version – duet with Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine de “additional and accomplice”it’s soulful herehe is a connoisseur of parquements and a knowledgeable composer with his own qualities and shortcomings. However, on Tuesday, October 3, live, the editorial editor was a little confused, and Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine was a little tackled under the gaze of the guest of the day: Adele Exarchopoulos.
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Moment of buoyancy in this place Cà vous
The actress will be here tonight, October 4, the day of the promise. animal kingdoms, Thomas Cayley, as well as Romain Duris, reviewed Paul Kircher’s incredible performance here, and there is a man who is losing the human vocabulary to talk about it. The scenes are forcibly lunar and deculent, like the gendarme’s cells here – femme-pieuvre. Patrick Cohen, here clearly in his thoughts, s’est alors rappelée de la sequence, after a moment of swimming. La comédienne a lâché: “Super intervention!”. And Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine de Lancer: “And perhaps the time has come to shackle Patrick.”. “Ce dernier, un peu perdu,” said the animator: “Oui, mais moi je parle pas du Règne, Animal Hein?” Anne-Elisabeth tells me a little more: “Non, faut juste enchaîner Patrick. I look forward to discussing this issue directly in the comments…“. Adele Exarchopoulos is already famous: “Oh, is it straight? Oh yes you will“. Patrick Cohen confirmed and tried to reproduce la main, toujours with a lot of hesitation.”I’m talking about La Flamme… Du Flambeau… De la Flamme.“, Anne-Elizabeth Lemoine was amused.
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