More flu and less sick days

Just when it feels like the worst epidemic of influenza and other respiratory viruses in Navarre is over, we observe: Navarra workers took fewer sick days in December and the first 15 days of January than in the same period last year.This is clear from the data it processes The main mutual fund for communities in the province of Mutua Navarra.

Number of people taking sick leave due to respiratory illness at companies agreeing with Mutua Navarra on common emergencies last month An additional 3,825 people were added in December. In December 2022, there were nearly 500 fewer casualties than a year ago. “We are talking about 53.24 casualties per 1,000 workers in December this year, compared to 44.45 per 1,000 Navarra workers a year ago,” the entity detailed.

This trend continued in the first half of January, but the difference compared with the same period in 2023 was smaller. In the first two weeks of this year, Mutua Navarra initiated sick leave for 1,077 people due to infectious diseases, a decrease of 61 people That’s up from the 1,077 registered in the first 15 days of 2023. Translated into accident data, there were 15.84 casualties per 1,000 workers in the first two weeks of 2023, compared with 14.42 in the same period last year.

Data suggests there may be several reasons why there are fewer casualties this winter than a year ago. Mutua Navarra says peak time for respiratory virus transmission It’s Christmas this year. “In these days, many people are enjoying upcoming holidays, so the flu or coronavirus could ruin these holidays and so-called days off,” they commented.

Another possibility is that more people don’t want to lose their jobs despite being infected with COVID-19 or some other virus because their symptoms are mild. “There are many autonomy Even if he is not well, he cannot stay at home and work,” they noted.

Another aspect that must be taken into consideration is that this year influenza has accounted for more of all casualties than other viruses, such as covid-19 and syncytial viruses. As health authorities warn, the influenza virus emerged this winter after almost disappearing for two years, and when it returned to the scene it had a special virulence in those affected.

According to the Institute of Occupational Health, lIncidence rate of respiratory diseases per 100,000 inhabitants In the week of January 8 to 14 (the latest data available), there were 1,316 confirmed cases in primary care. In the week of December 25 to 31, 2023, there were 1,082 new cases, up from the 742 cases registered in the week of December 26, 2022 to January 1, 2023.

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