More than 100,000 wild birds die on Peruvian coast due to bird flu in Peru

Researchers from the National University of San Agustin (UNSA) Natural History Museum (MUSA), the National Service of Natural Reserves (SERNANP) and the Argentinian Conservation Biology Research Group warned in a recent study that 100,485 people infected with the avian influenza virus of wild birds die off the coast of Peru.

His scientific articles have been published in journal of biological conservation and details that the accounting will only take place within the country’s nature reserves. Additionally, 24 species experienced such mortality, including several threatened birds listed under national and international red lists.

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On the coast of Arequipa, only in the Mejia Reserve, Province of Islay, According to experts from the bureau, from December 2022 to July 2023, no less than 3,000 birds died of avian influenza. Lake Mejia National Monument, Leonardo Vilka.

This virus is serious, and one of the species most affected is the pelican. Team member and researcher Víctor Gamarra, he reported 20% of the pelican population, Approximately 10,000 sea turtles inhabiting a Peruvian marine reserve have died.

There are concerns the virus could spread to other parts of South America and Antarctica, which is why experts are calling for mitigation actions.One of the immediate actions the authorities can take is Carcasses are removed from the coast to prevent spread.

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