More than 11,000 children vaccinated against pneumococcus in Cienfuegos

More than 11,000 children aged 1 to 5 in Cienfuegos benefited from the application of QuimiVio, a heptavalent vaccine candidate against pneumococcus developed by the Finley Institute for Vaccines (IFV).

María Casanova González, PhD, coordinator of the Pneumococcal Vaccine Intervention Study, told the media that the plan included two doses for infants aged 12 to 23 months, eight weeks apart; Children under five will receive a single injection.

He explained that the process will continue until next November at 20 polyclinics and other clinical sites in the Mid-South region, such as day care centers in eight cities.

He emphasized that from an immunological standpoint, QuimiVio has been shown to be safe against seven major serotypes, and following previous intervention studies conducted between 2017 and 2018, the hospital’s response to pneumococcal disease, meningoencephalitis, and , pneumonia, otitis media and other respiratory diseases.

By the way, Vicente Vérez Bencomo, Doctor of Science, General Manager of IFV, recalls that about five years ago, in cooperation with the Provincial Department of Health, a clinical trial of the product was carried out in the region, proving the safety of QuimiVio. Suitable for children from one to five years old.

He recalls that high vaccination coverage has been achieved at this stage, and with the new intervention, we hope to immunize the group of children under study in order to break the chain of transmission of such diseases.

Yamilaine González Padrón, the mother of a one-year-old girl, expressed her gratitude to the IFV scientists and the doctors of the Cecilio Ruiz de Zárate Polyclinic, because the product acts against the respiratory diseases that children are prone to in the first years of life.

They explained to us the benefits of the injections, the possible adverse effects and the diseases the bacteria can cause, from ‘meningitis’ to pneumonia, he said, adding that the health staff were very attentive, caring and professional.

As part of the Finley Vaccine Institute’s long-standing tradition of collaboration with the province, between 2017 and 2018, Cienfuegos immunized more than 91 percent of children ages one to five through Quimi-Vio, a campaign similar to this year’s Nine month started.

The history of collaboration between the scientific entity and experts in the Central Region includes the Soberana Centro and Soberana Plus Pediatría clinical trials for the COVID-19 pandemic, and the mass vaccination campaigns for children under 19 years prior to the SARS CoV-2 virus.

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