More than 1,200 sea lions reportedly die from bird flu on Rio Negro coast – El Chorrrillero

Update time: 11/03/2023 10:04

More than 1,200 sea lions have died from bird flu since the health crisis began in Rio Negro, and the situation began to spiral out of control when pictures of lifeless sea lions on Camino de la Costa beach went viral.

As of the latest update from the province’s Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, a total of 1,291 sea lions have been killed on the coast, with 801 registered in nature reserves (ANP).

Although the epidemiological curve has declined in recent days, the government says the health crisis in the region continues because it is a “highly contagious” virus.

Beaches near the Punta Bermeja protected area are the most affected, while the resort of La Loberia is one of the most visited areas of the Camino de la Costa and is the center of Dead Sea lion sightings.

“We are conducting long-term monitoring with the province’s Ministry of Environment, which reports on the situation based on information provided by municipalities, the National Environment Agency and conservation defenders of protected areas,” said Gaston Gutierrez, Minister of Services, Public Spaces and Environmental Protection. Gastón Gutiérrez stressed. Environment of the city of Viedma.

Despite advice not to approach or come into contact with the animals, residents of the affected spas have taken to court to file a lawsuit against the province’s Environment and Climate Change Minister Dina Migani, alleging possible non-compliance. crime. Duties of Public Officials.

Summer in Rio Negro

The problem started in mid-August and is expected to continue in the coming months, which will further complicate the 23/24 season in coastal areas of the province.

In this sense, tourism providers insist that “the season is over” as nauseating smells, a ban on access to certain beaches and images of dead mammals on the coast “dissuade people from coming”.

Gutierrez stressed that the city began implementing a pilot test to remove carcasses that are in the advanced process of decomposition and causing problems due to odor.

Regarding one of the recommendations explained to him by international organizations, the Secretary stressed: “It is a protocol to cremate the body, but we explain that in addition to that, the body must be buried, because burning the body is very complicated because “it has to be opened” body so that the fire can effectively reach and attack the trachea and lungs. ” (North America)

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