More than 23,000 birds culled to prevent spread of bird flu in La Libertad | Trujillo | Industry

this Chamber of Commerce of La Libertad (CCLL), through its chairman Alfonso Medrano Sameme announced that the business community is promoting a public-private alliance with the government National Agricultural Sanitary Service (Senasa), In an effort to promote flu vaccinations for backyard birds, an influenza outbreak was discovered on a farm in the state. Pakangjila Town, Chipung Province, It killed nearly 4,000 specimens and forced the sacrifice of another 23,000 specimens in accordance with appropriate safety protocols to prevent its spread.

“We are looking to build a public-private alliance so we expect Senasa to make a statement in the next few hours as they have already expressed their willingness to listen to us. “We have been in communication with senior officials at the agency to explore the possibility of launching a pilot program in Chipeng province, where the outbreak occurred, to conduct mass vaccination of backyard birds to reduce viral loads in the area,” CCLL President announced.

no risk

also, Alfonso Medrano Any risk of this virus outbreak spreading to humans has been ruled out. He assured that the situation has been brought under control since the reports date back about two weeks ago.

“There is no risk of avian influenza transmission to humans or zoonosis, the contaminated birds have been burned and there is no risk of them reaching any market stall for consumption, this is 100% ruled out,” he pointed out.

Finally, he also said that this case of bird flu will not have a major impact on the livestock industry in La Libertad. However, this is a reason to take precautions.

“This does not have a significant impact on the industry, apart from the financial losses for this producer, but the presence of the virus is a potential danger that forces us to act promptly and take additional precautions,” The person in charge of the company said.

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