More than 450,000 Galicians to be invited to take part in flu vaccination study

Paper about Flu vaccineis one of the largest vaccine trials being carried out in Spain and hopes to show whether a booster version of the flu vaccine (which is already used in people over 80 because it has been shown to be more effective in that age group) is also beneficial. People between 65 and 79 years old.

Therefore, “if the starting hypothesis is confirmed, Galicians of this age group will be the first to be able to benefit from it” booster vaccine And expect greater protection against this high-load version before age 80,” said Federico Martinón, initiator and principal investigator of the trial.

Participating in research is volunteer. As part of the annual event, the entire population in this age group who has received influenza vaccination will be invited to participate in the annual event in large venues located in all health districts of Galicia.The invitation to participate in the study is will be sent via SMS The person is cited in it. In the same message, you will be informed of the existence of a clinical trial and the possibility of participating in it.

two types of vaccines

There are different types of flu vaccines, and two different vaccines will be used in this year’s flu vaccination campaign: one high dose and another standard dose.The difference is that Antigen amount That is, they include compounds capable of producing protective effects in the body.

High-dose vaccines proven more effective at preventing influenza and complications in people over 80 years of age, which is why it is routinely administered in this age group.

The purpose of this study is to assess whether High-dose vaccines more effective It was superior to the standard-dose vaccine in reducing influenza cases, hospitalizations and related complications among people 65 to 79 years of age who received the standard-dose vaccine routinely.

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