Mother of Cuban girl with microcephaly seeks help: ‘I can’t take it anymore’

A Cuban mother whose five-year-old daughter suffers from microcephaly and cerebral palsy has sought online help with housing problems that are seriously affecting her youngest daughter’s health.

Elizabeth Perez NunesThe 24-year-old lives in a small room lined with zinc and wooden facades and with mud floors in the Ortiz and Las Yaguas neighborhoods of Ciego de Ávila.

“I’ve never uploaded a publication like this, but I can’t take it anymore. I’ve been to my city hall many times and they’ve told me there’s not even material to make a room for my daughter,” she denounced in her post on Facebook.

Screenshot from Facebook / Elizabeth Pérez Núñez

Elizabeth shared a video showing where she lives with her daughter. The recording was given to his social worker, who showed it to the government, but for fun.

Due to the poor condition of the shed, water will enter the shed when it rains, and it is very quiet at night. The humidity affected the girl even more, and she had her lungs removed for complicated pneumonia. Due to the humidity, the minor contracted the flu.

“I ask my government, my country, my Miguel Diaz-Canel, help me buy a house. I turn to the whole world for help if necessary. Please share my publications until Díaz-Canel receives them,” he pleaded.

Screenshot from Facebook / Elizabeth Pérez Núñez

“Help me and God will reward you. I need help. My number is 51037872“, he added.

Grieving mother also writes to humorist white limethe organization developed a program to help the vulnerable and asked everyone who knew him to tell him about their situation.

“First of all, God bless you. I am writing to you because the situation with me and my five-year-old daughter Evelyn is critical,” he began.

Screenshot from Facebook / Elizabeth Pérez Núñez

“I need help and I know you are a man of God. I ask you because I know you are a good man whom God has chosen to help the helpless,” he stressed.

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