Motta and Emma Nolde talk to Manuel Agnelli

In the second episode of “Basement Café by Lavazza – Germi Session”, the format produced by Lavazza and ‘Rolling Stone’, the voice of the Afterhours hosts Motta and Emma Nolde in his club. The two songwriters faced a generational confrontation, between Gen Z, Gen Y and Gen X (that of Agnelli), between those who rejected the comparison with the previous ones, those who were left orphaned by the masters of the past and those who found themselves facing a void that needs to be filled, also thanks to technology

by Rolling Stone

Three generations comparing music, experiences and future prospects. All this took place during the second episode of Basement Café by Lavazza – Germi Session, the format produced by Rolling Stone and Lavazza which featured the young singer-songwriter Emma Nolde (Gen Z) and one of the most representative Millennial artists such as Motta (Gen Y), accompanied by the host Manuel Agnelli (Gen X) in a close and revealing dialogue on the past, present and future of music and society that they lived and interpreted through their songs.

Inside Germi, the club founded in 2019 by the Afterhours frontman, together with Rodrigo D’Erasmo, Francesca Risi and Gianluca Segale in the Navigli area in Milan – a place of artistic and human contamination – they gave life to a discussion that started from their personal relationship with previous generations, developed on the analysis of those who formed them and unraveled through possible or desirable perspectives, both in the cultural and collective spheres. In this way, three visions emerged which, despite different starting points, found themselves in the desire to learn from mistakes to obtain a new awareness.

From the refusal of those who came before, who however had left teachings to those who arrived later, as in the case of Manuel Agnelli; or in the transition phase in which the masters were missing and it was thought that they could be self-sufficient, as explained by Motta; up to those who live in the present time in the continuous search to satisfy unattainable and constantly changing expectations, as Emma Nolde underlined. Three worlds, apparently irreconcilable, which instead have found a common key to understanding precisely in artistic expression: always trying, despite everything.

After the first episode with guests from the Verdenas, who recounted their particular creative process and how they try to reconcile it with the market, the third is scheduled for April 27 and will feature Brunori Sas and Joan Thiele. With them Manuel Agnelli will explore the concept of artistic need, how it arises and how it changes according to one’s nature, the relationship that a musician has with words, how much social media influence today and how their approach has changed after the pandemic.

Basement Café by Lavazza – Germi Session is designed by Lavazza
it is produced by Lavazza and Rolling Stone Italia
in collaboration with Epik
with the executive production of Blackball (and in collaboration with Blue Joint films)

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