Movie quiz: try to recognize these 10 films! – Actus Sine

On the occasion of the release of the ART documentary “Nicole Kidman, Her Great Projects”, we are offering a quiz about this iconic actress with six famous films.

If Nicole Kidman is a great girl in Australia, she has not yet reached the age of four, she is still in Honolulu, Hawaii in the USA. “Très jeune Passionnée très jeune” for classical dance and theater, its très tôt is rehearsed by director Jane Campion.

She was born as a teenager at the Victorian College of the Arts in Melbourne, where she was known as Naomi Watts, before receiving an arts education in Sydney and graduating from the Australian Theater for Youth.

The actress became her first film star in 1983 at the start of the Australian drama A Bush Christmas, a film that had some success in its country of origin, allowing her to appear in more feature films more akin to television series before attempting a Hollywood adventure.

This is a rendezvous with Tom Cruise, who will probably continue his American career. The actor who plays Phillip Noyce in the film here asks Tony Scott for the female lead in Tonner’s Days in His Cats. This is love for a good moment and after the wedding, in 1992, the two actors return to the “horizon posters” in a new ensemble.

In the 90s, Nicole Kidman continued her ascent, also trying to escape the shadow of her sea, in the direction of such famous directors as Gus Van Sant (Prête à tout, pour lequel elle reçoit le premier des Six Golden Globes in her career). , Jane Campion (Portrait of a Lady) or Stanley Kubrick (Eyes Wide Shut).

The 2000s culminated with Nicole Kidman’s success as one of the generation’s biggest stars, films such as Moulin Rouge and The Hours, and the best-selling novel by Stephen Baldry, who is about to win a Best Actress Oscar for the role. Virginia Woolf.

Do you think you are familiar with Nicole Kidman’s filmography? We’ll check it all out across six films in this quiz!

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