Muface covid and flu shots follow these rules

National civil servants generally help each other (mufase) has been announced interregional council public health committee The National Health System (CISNS) approved on September 12 that the 2023-2024 influenza vaccination campaign will cover the last week of September and October. As they say, this period “guarantees an adequate supply of vaccines, optimizing the effectiveness of vaccination campaigns and enabling them to be adapted to the epidemiological patterns of infection and the characteristics of health organizations in each geographical area”.

Mutual Aid Society’s 2023-2024 influenza and Covid-19 vaccination season goals are to meet or exceed Vaccination coverage for the elderly reaches 75% and health and social care staff, as well as overcoming 60% of pregnant women and people with at-risk conditions.

As they explained, Flu campaign is different from Covid-19 vaccination Because the first target group was defined as a specific risk group that did not cover the majority of the population, their size was not large, but the only defined age group included the elderly. It also targets people with specific conditions and specific groups, such as healthcare or social care staff. These risk groups or target groups are identified by the Public Health Committee and then outlined by each autonomous region and project managed accordingly.

common areas

dependent mutualist public options will receive Vaccination in the corresponding public health services.about A reciprocal collective affiliated with a coherent entity, it should be remembered that the administration of the influenza vaccine is included in the health care protocol.Therefore, the general rule is that common membership in a risk group You will receive your flu dose at the insurance company’s center.

Regarding the partial overlap with the vaccination process with corresponding doses for Covid-19, it should be noted that, as always, the planning and administration of the vaccine is the responsibility of the autonomous communities. In its recommendation, the National Health Commission pointed out that based on existing publications, no difference in immune responses was found after the two vaccines were administered together or separately.

In certain risk groups and autonomous communities, the following exceptions can be highlighted:

this Protected people in residences will receive double vaccination Fighting influenza and Covid-19, whether they are mutually beneficial or not.

  • exist andalusiapeople who are considered co-members and who choose private insurance and show signs of vaccination will receive the Covid-19 vaccine Authorized center of the Andalusian Health Service. Covid-19 vaccine doses will continue to be unavailable from private sources. Regarding influenza vaccination, they must follow the instructions of their entity for vaccination, with the exception of people living in municipalities with less than 20,000 inhabitants, who will be vaccinated by the Andalusian Health Service under the Rural Agreement.

  • exist Aragon, Vaccination campaign will begin on Monday 16 October. To receive the vaccine, you must visit your entity. Regarding rural areas, in towns where there is a medical center, members of the common must go to the center, with the exception of Utebo, Egea, Caspe, La Almunia and Calatayud, where they must go to the common Medical center.

  • exist castile and leonthe activity starts at October 10. Concord members who are in a high-risk group for influenza and wish to receive both doses may choose between the health center or their insurance entity for this purpose. Rural Accord co-members will receive dual vaccination at the Sahil Health Centre.

  • inside Madrid’s neighborhoodsactivities are also The event starts on October 16th and lasts until January 31st In 2024, the focus is on the elderly, so residents, people over 65 and health and social hygiene staff will be managed first.For mutualists, as usual, vaccination sites are still active in el Isabel Zendal Hospital Nurse Double vaccination can be done by self-appointment (from October 10th). Concordant members of a high-risk group for influenza who want to be vaccinated solely for this purpose must travel to their congruent entity.

  • inside valencian communityco-members covered by private insurance will receive Covid-19 vaccinations and flu vaccinations if noted health centers assigned to them. If only influenza vaccination is indicated, it will be administered at an approved center designated by your insurance company.

  • exist Extremaduraall people with risk factors due to age or any other factor will be able to receive, if they wantdouble vaccination, regardless of their status as co-members and their health choices at the SES Center.on Monday The event starts on October 16th Dual vaccinations are taking place in residences and will continue throughout the month. These sections will be published on the SES website soon. If a consistent co-member who only wants to receive the flu vaccine is in a high-risk group, he or she can receive the flu vaccine at their corresponding SES Health Center and at their entity’s consistent center.

  • exist riojapeople belonging to common societies (Muface, Mugeju and Isfas) must be in same center A place where medical care is usually provided. They must contact their entities to find out these centers.

  • exist Melillathis The vaccination drive will take place from October 16 to December 15. The vaccines will be distributed free of charge by the municipality to vaccination centers in need, including the Rusadir Clinic serving Muface beneficiaries. Therefore, they recommend that you contact your affiliated entity.

Countryside Deal

Co-Society Remember, it is important to note that if there is a rural agreement, the co-collective of the co-society will administer the flu vaccine by the co-society. public health services (SPS), pursuant to the above agreement.Therefore, mutualists in this field will Both vaccines are administered at SPS centers, as is the case with public-option mutualists.For example, this situation is Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, Castile and León or Galicia.

Muface recommends that you find out the dates for each procedure in each municipality, as well as the risk groups by age or other factors, and, where appropriate, the appointment system for such vaccinations from the entity with which you have consented.

If the entity does not provide a vaccination coordination center,”“Flu shots can be purchased at pharmacies.” In this case, the concerted joint members belonging to the risk group will pay 100% and must subsequently claim the amount paid from the concerted entity. “It should be noted that the vaccine should not be prescribed by Muface,” they insist.

The information published in Medical Writing contains statements, data and statements from official agencies and health professionals. However, if you have any questions regarding your health, please consult the appropriate health professional.

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